Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Get Back to Basics

This is my feeling on The O.C. Even with Tivo this episode felt like it was two hours long and not in a good way. It was full of cliche's like "believe in yourself when no one else does," predictability, and ridiculousness. Did anyone really think Julie was going to kill someone or that Summer wasn't going to find out about Reed?

As always I have a few questions:
  1. When will Marissa and Trey hook up?
  2. When will Carter get rid of the sideburns and go back to his cutie Once & Again look?
  3. How many people silently counted four syllables for Hap-py Birth-Day?
  4. Why don't the Cohen's just hire a chef it would be cheaper than take out?
  5. When will Kirsten be checking into rehab or start going to AA meetings?
  6. Who tips the UPS guy? Did you see the guy who delivered the package have his hand out for a tip?

Even though I don't believe Trey gave the girl the drugs and was just trying to help Marissa since she helped him so much I also don't believe his giving money to the homeless parole story. His friend who was in jail too "disappeared" isn't that called breaking parole?! Therefore wouldn't the cops go and pick him up, not just drive Trey there to give him money. And what "homeless" guy comes out of a house. For someone who is supposed to be an honors student, Ryan is not the brightest.

Few last notes. No showering seems to be a theme for television these days because Kirsten was needing one. Did you get a load of her hair, it was in need of a de-greasing in a few shots. Oh and FYI guys, girls like the skank that was seducing Trey don't exist.

You think he'll stay out of trouble...?

Judging by his recent arrest, I believe Chris did not live up to his promise to The Donald on The Apprentice.

Spoiler Alert!

I was a little sad to see Chris go though because I will miss the tobacco rage and the outbursts. It looked like even George was shedding a tear as the boardroom door closed.

For the record I HATE those fake conversations that The Donald has every week with various executives where he ultimately just plugs himself. These interactions are almost as bad as the boardroom voiceovers.

My favorite quote of the night was in the presentation when Alex was asked his favorite part about his brochure his reply was "the shape!" Um, correct me if I'm wrong but it was a RECTANGLE. That's all he could come up with. I used to be an Alex fan but he sucks.

My second favorite quote was Kendra with "I'm like a girl who just had sex..." Now my question is why wouldn't she say I feel like I have just had sex. I think we have determined that Kendra is a virgin. I wonder if this will come up in her final four interview.

My two favorite looks of the night. The first is Craig's trying to avoid getting picked. The rolling of the eyes was just classic. I wish one time when a person is being chosen from the other team that they would give me a little, "Red Rover Red Rover please send Bren right over." (swinging their arms of course.)

The other was Craig's entire look. Not only did he really look like a Shoeshine Store owner but more specifically he looked like the kid from the Little Rascals.

As for the reward, yes it is cool playing with the losing Knicks at The Garden, but is doing suicides really a reward or more of a punishment?

Last two questions of the night:

  1. What ever happened to Kelley (last year's winner)?
  2. How many shots Trump have to take until he actually made it and the producers could edit that right in?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

allright welcome to my wheel house... OC apprentice yup this is how i roll... first the OC... i loved it... back to the gratuitus high schol party scenes that none of us ever expereinced... sandy being sandy gotta love him... as for carter and kirsten someone wake me up when that plot line is over... as for the X issue well i have my theory... wanring spoiler alert (cuz yeah i'm that good)... anyone notice that alcoholic marissa was swigging water in the middle of a rager... what do you really enjoy drinking when you are rolling... yeah not gonna be mildly surprised when it turns out that marrissa actually had either taken or was dealing the pills...more on the apprentice later

10:57 AM


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