Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, April 18, 2005

"Everwood" lived up to the hype!

For the most part I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's episode. I could have done without the other story lines since the Ephraim/Madison/Andy dialogue was so compelling, but I guess the writers wanted a little variety since it had been so long since we had seen our Colorado friends.

It's not that I didn't like the other storylines it's just they weren't as good. It was nice to see the guy from The Brotherhood of Poland New Hampshire get another gig. For those of you who don't know that was the father who shot his son. Due to the quick cancellation of that show I think I might have been the only one that watched. Although, I would like to say it was quite good and I was/still am sad that it is no longer on. One last note on the "other" storylines. I was relieved the kid wasn't brain damaged or whatever b/c I think we have had enough of that in Everwood and that would have been slightly annoying between Colin, the stroke guy etc.

Anyway back to the real issues at hand - Madison and Ephraim.

I thought the acting was great. I was surprised that Madison had the baby and was also a little surprised that she didn't sell Andy down the river. Ultimately I am not sure what her motivation in telling Ephraim was, as it seemed it was only to show him he was an adult and could talk about real things. Or maybe to get back at him for saying basically it was because of her he could be in love with Amy and have a better relationship.

I do believe Ephraim had a right to know about the pregnancy but in some ways maybe it was too late, because now what are his options? Is Ephraim going to try and get the kid back? Now that Madison's show (the actress has another tv show in the works) was cancelled she has lots of time to return to Everwood. Ultimately Ephraim is going to find out that Harold, Amy, the neighbor and really the rest of Everwood knew and that is going to continue the downward spiral. Because without Julliard he really has nothing except teach piano for a living to the kids in the neighborhood. Or he'll move in with Bright which will be quite the situation, they could get their own spin-off.

What do you people think (anyone reading this blog that is)? Should Madison have told Ephraim? Should Andy have told Ephraim he knew or let Madison be the scapegoat? Should Bright have thrown out the items that were expired even if they smelled good? That one is clear; things have a date for a reason. If it expires the trash it goes...BOO-YA!

It's a Fuckin' Game!

Not only do the people on RR/RW Challenge need to get real jobs, they need to get a life. The only reason the Bad Asses are pist is because they didn't think of the switch-a-roo first. This I don't understand as I thought of it weeks ago and never understood why it didn't happen. Why the Good Guys even really discussed it though was beyond me, as they should have kept that as their strategy moving forward. Not only do they suck as a team physically, intellectually they got nothing going on as well. Really they don't know what strategy is as exhibited by the task when the people not participating weren't even helping those that were.

My three favorite quotes of the night:

1. Veronica - "They actually out-smarted me." As if this was something unfathomable. This is a girl who spends her entire "career" on MTV. I would say outsmarting her is about as easy as turning on the television and finding an episode of The Real World on.

2. Abram - "Pain is worth $10,000." Dude you are such a man! I mean you would do this shite for free as long as you were on television. You get free booze; free place to stay and if you play your cards right maybe you'll get to be part of another threesome.

3. Tonya - "The three girls don't respect me." Um Tonya, NO ONE respects you. From your wining Real World days to your challenge bitchiness you have no friends. It's just you and your implants.

I am a little disappointed that there are not enough action/challenges this time around. And as always with the Inferno I miss Johnny Mosely. I know from the Reunion Show that things didn't work out between Landon and Shavonda (as if they would. c’mon does it ever) but I thought at least there would be some interaction between them but there seems to be none.

One last note what was the deal on "the bet" between The Miz and Jodi. It was as if The Miz could say I bet you won't have sex with me and than of course she would b/c she doesn't want to lose a bet....

The worst part about this episode is that I watched it in real time rather than on Tivo which means I had to sit through10 minutes of actual show and 20 minutes of MTV promoting itself through its commercials.

Until tomorrow (AI, Amazing Race and possibly more....)


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