Feeding the television obsession....

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

AY! Again with the song choice!

In the opening sequence of American Idol Ryan Seacrest said that if the sound check was any indication the night would be high energy. Well rehearsal isn't always a good indication of what's to come. I would love to see the lists the idols choose from because I have to tell you their choices suck!

Let's break it down:

Constantine: First off the makeup, specifically the raccoon eyes. Again, where is the shows stylist? His song was long, boring, flat and seriously could not take my eyes off his eyes it was so distracting. To top it all off, the shot of his family...his father was a dead ringer for Lurch from the Adams Family. Constantine was back to creeping me out.

Carrie: I thought she was awful and seriously feel like Randy is borrowing some of what Paula is drinking for him to say she was awesome. She too was a victim of the "stylist." I totally agreed with Simon on her Barbie/Stepford wife look. After her last two performances, one of which was from the King and I, she should be in the bottom three.

Scott: Not sure who referred to him as "Scott the body," but can you never do that again. I have to admit, begrudgingly, that he was one of the better ones of the night (some pitchiness.) Although seriously, Paula, sit down.

Federov: Bad song, bad moves, okay haircut. See you in the bottom three.

Vonzell: She rocked the house. Paula thought she was so good that not only was she dancing but she moved away from the table and was in her own dancing space. Not only was Vonzell's performance good but I loved the shot of her family or maybe they were her bodyguards. Simon you better watch out!

Anwar: He was okay. I could see him or Constantine rounding out the bottom three.

Bo: I didn't know the song. I felt he did an okay job. I do believe he is the most marketable out of the bunch although not the best singer. I would give him some leeway though because those damn lights were so distracting how could he sing up there let alone not cover his eyes and fall down?!

As always Paula was out of control with her clapping, compliments and dancing. One time I would like Randy or Simon to just say "sit down for pete's sake." Her audience instigating has gotten old and a few times I think she was so sauced that she had to lean on the table for support.

Nice to see that the producer's didn't spend so much time on the song graphics however the pre-clip "dancing" was awful, please don't ever do that again.

Mad Props to Joyce!

Not only did she look great on The Amazing Race with her head shaved and despite a slow crying start took it like a champ. I think she might have been the only team member to go through with it. Although how pissed would she have been if they came in second. I wonder what the time difference was. Probably a lot more than they showed.

Based on the amount of people in Locknow and the craziness of the streets I felt like finding "Platform 2" at the train station across the street was a challenge in itself. Plus I have to tell you if I was sleeping on that train and the walking zombie woke me up I would have freaked out on his ass before he would have the chance to give me the clue. That guy was scary.

As much as I like Gretchen and Meredith and am glad that they get to stay in, I have to say that Gretchen is the biggest complainer ever and rarely does anything. Last week she gave up after looking in one box for the clue and today she jumps in the elephant and makes poor Meredith push another 100+ pounds. I thought the dude was going to drop dead with a coronary. She just bosses him around. How they beat SPOILER ALERT - Lynn and Alex is beyond me. I was totally fooled by the editing.

It's nice to see that Nike isn't the only ones to perpetuate child sweatshop labor. Did you get a load of all those children pushing those elephants? With all the people in Locknow who were so happy to get autographs last week and to be on TV you would have thought more would be pushing.

If you have TiVo, and I'm not sure why you wouldn't, I hope you had a chance to rewind on the Indian gay couple that Gretchen liked to laugh and point at. One of them was a dead ringer for Rob, all he needed was a Boston hat.

Now that Ron/Kelly, Rob/Amber are such good friends I wonder if the southern duo make the Romber wedding. I'll be looking for them in attedance on May 24th when I watch the two hour special. I have to say I can't imagine the colonel and beauty queen made it much past their tenure on the race as next week she starts mocking his POW status.

Well the final four look pretty tough. You would think the "token old couple" gets eliminated next week, but you never know.

I guess I should mention the elimination. I'm okay with it. They were starting to wear on me and they had too much hate for Rob and Amber so ultimately they had to be eliminated. Which means next week is probably a non-elimination round since we've only had one.

One last note. Did you catch that guy on the mat with Phil? Yowsers! Sort of Wizard of Oz meets I don't even know, except, WOW!


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