Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Great American Hero

By this I mean Ryan and Marissa on The O.C. not the dude that played the Irish lawyer. It's nice to see our "walking on air" hero is back to work. My one question is what happens when Ryan and Marissa go back to school? It's clear they ratted the dealer out. Clearly they won't be getting into anymore O.C velvet rope parties. I long for those high school days filled with bouncer run parties with a guest list and a velvet rope. Oh wait that never happened in New Jersey.

LOOVED the 21 Jump Street reference. This was a real throwback to high school. Although why would Seth want to be Richard G. he was the guy who ruined the show. He should have picked the Asian dude, only because it would have been funny and Seth like.

Poor Summer who is falling into Zach's wily ways of outsmarting Cohen to get Summer back. We thought Zach was just a little pansy who went to Italy, wore a Vespa Helmet and had a make believe girlfriend. But alas, it is all part of the master plan. He's really an evil villain...how comic book like.

Was also happy with the haircuts of the week. Ryan's looked good but Carter's looked better. I'm happy with the beard and shorter "Clooney" cut. Gave him more of an edge and didn't make his nose stick out so much.

The Caleb-Julie relationship if you can call it that is a little too Dynasty for me starting last week with the gun. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of the Porn King.

The rumor on the street is that the actor who plays Caleb has a new gig so he may be leaving the O.C and that Oliver makes a return for the season finale. Looks like the excitement is not over.

Next time Ryan should wipe the blood away from his nose before putting the moves on Marissa.

Any Show the Fixes Clutter is My Kind of Show

Spoiler Alert

I have to say that I was surprised Bren got the boot on The Apprentice. Going into the boardroom I thought it would be Alex since Trump liked Bren too much. I agree that Bren wasn't hungry enough and Alex just made a better case. I liked that they both stood up for their product. However you can stand up for your product and recognize flaws like the baskets not rolling out. I guess Tana was right at the beginning that Bren was a "real zero."

I have to admit though when Alex did the drawing of the desk I really didn't get it and thought it would be too high of a ticket item. I also don't understand how Alex and Bren never stepped into a Staples store it was ludicrous. Have they learned nothing on this show!

Definitely do not understand how Alex thought everyone loved the presentation, I mean did you see the faces of the people in the presentation. These were not faces of love. I have some reservations about his lawyering ability. I hope he is not a trial lawyer, as I would not want him "reading" people that held my future in their hands.

I was surprised to learn that Alex was not only a super skier but that he studied Rabbinic literature. However, I don't think that studying in Israel alone is such a risk, but that's just me.

I do hope that the friendship between Alex and Bren was genuine. It seemed slightly so in that it seemed that Bren just didn't want to go after Alex. He wasn't aggressive at all and threw out that awful sentence of not liking risk. He had to know right than that he was over. Who says that and stays in the game?

Of the four that are left I'm rooting for Tana. Even though she comes out with some dingers and can be annoying I think she is the most qualified. Alex is a dud. Don't get me started on Craig with his "young lady" comment. Seriously, if I was in a working environment and someone said that to me I might punch them in the face. And Kendra, I'm just not sold on her. There is just something about her that I do find slightly childish and not well seasoned.

One final Apprentice note. Did anyone catch a glimpse of the picture in Donald's office. He had a framed picture of, HIMSELF. Not with anyone, not like a family shot. Just his head. Look for it next week as I'm sure there will be some sequence of Donald in his office congradulating himself on something and telling some random executive how much he likes their products.

Always the Same Shows

I know I always talk about the same few shows but I do watch other things too. However this week I forgot to tape Scrubs, Joey, and Will & Grace. This will leave me things to talk about over the summer....Reruns!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm shocked you are watching joey... i didn't even mnow that show was still on... when you get a chance can you give us the $2 tour of joey's first season for those of us who don't watch

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"mnow" is cool kid code word for "Know"... if you said it more in high school you might have gotten into more of those velvet rope parties!

10:47 AM


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