Feeding the television obsession....

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Shape of Things

This is the movie I caught on HBO Classic last night at about 9:00pm and got sucked into. The movie starred Paul Rudd from Friends and Clueless fame and a Charlize Theron look alike if she were about 10 years younger and a little rounder faced and shorter. (so i guess not like her that much at all.) And some other guy who looks familiar and usually plays asshole guys and did that in this movie as well.

Anyway, this movie was so bizarre. We missed the first 10 minutes or so and that might have hurt us, because for the first few minutes of my watching I thought Paul Rudd was playing a mentally challenged guy when in fact he was just playing a former overweight guy with insecurities. You'd be surprised how the two are similar.

Despite the bizarro-ness of the movie it sucked you in and was intriguing. Basically Paul Rudd was in this relationship with this woman who totally changed him through manipulation. He lost like 25 pounds, got contacts, wore cooler clothes and gained confidence. It turns out while he fell in love with this girl, she was just using him as a human art project. Of course there is a humiliation scene at the end of the movie when he finds out and it's all a little bit dramatic and fucked.

Speaking of Fucked...

How is it that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are dating? How did they even meet? My brother is convinced it has something to do with the Scientology. My question is if/when she brings him home to her childhood home in Ohio will she need to remove the "Teen Beat" posters of him from her bedroom?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you going to put a picture of yourself on the site? Appreicate your musings, want to seem the babe behind them.

11:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

baseball fantasy homeAny one using the phrase "easy as taking candy from a baby, has never tried taking candy from a baby before.baseball fantasy home

1:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

famous love quote

12:51 PM


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