Feeding the television obsession....

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Where do Anwar's Votes Go?

This is the ultimate question on American Idol. My thought process is that at this point, the same people are voting for the same idols. It is the votes that went to the last cast off that are up for grabs. Therefore my guess is that Anwar's votes go to the women and my prediction for bottom three is:

Scott "The Body"

Not necessarily because these people were bad, but because Carrie, Vonzell and Bo are just not getting voted off.

Once again I thought there was a lot of bad song choices. Most of the songs bored me and there were a bunch I didn't even know.

This time we were not just "blessed" with one of Paula's crazy looks and bad outfits, but we got to see Bo's RIDICULOUS shirt, Clay looking like he was 12 and Vonzell's pimped out family.

Despite Bo's appearance (I'll give him the sunglasses because it is so fucking bright in there) he definitely has the most rock star quality and I peg him in the final four.

Constantine's song was not only bad, but I don't think it will appeal to Idol voters. I wish someone would give his brother some Greek food to eat because that dude is scary.

Scott, oh Scott!! Despite wanting "another chance" I think this is the end of the road for you. You'll need a SERIOUS fan base to let you stay in the competition. Although I've seen stranger things happen...lead in to Amazing Race....

"I'm So Over India...."

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank the lordy the contestants on The Amazing Race have moved on to another country. I was beginning to get claustrophobic. Maybe this is the reason that travel agents in India are open 24 hours, people just need to flee at all hours of the night. I couldn't believe that Sanjar was still hanging with Rob and Amber. Didn't he have a hotel to run?

So Rob clearly screwed himself and he deserved it. He brought his cockiness to a new level and I'm glad it bit him in the ass. Now don't get me wrong I don't want them to be eliminated, and I do like them on the show, but it was nice to see him get burned for once.

Not quite sure why Uchenna acquired an accent in Turkey while weighing people nor do I understand why weighing people is a tradition. I would like to institute a new drinking game. Everytime Gretchen says something resembling "Oh, Meredith!" a shot needs to be done.

Yet, noone deserves more props than Meredith. I couldn't believe she climbed the wall! I thought for sure that was her downfall. I had imagined Rob and then Ron just rushing right by her and her saying, "Oh Meredith!"

Spoiler Alert

I have to admit I knew it was a non-elimination, however I wish Ron and Kelly had gotten the boot. They are clearly going to break up especially since Kelly basically accused Ron of becoming a POW just to get out of his army commitment. They will definitely not be sharing that trip together. Even their hugs are estranged.

I hope at the pit stop when Gretchen sees Rob she says, "thank you, you little fucker!"


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