Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, May 02, 2005

Stop Going Dress Shopping!

Everytime Amy goes dress shopping on Everwood it never works out for her. Whether it's the "big dance" or just a date, she is always let down and there are always tears. Will she never learn? And did she really think that when Ephraim gave her that necklace that they would last forever?! Does she realize that she is only 17 years old!

It's clear that Andy loves Nina and it's clear that Andy won't leave the show and the love triangle can only go on so long. Therefore, the only question that remains is will Jake be resentful that he gave up the "city life" for Nina when it all goes to shit? He admitted himself that the only reason he has stayed in Everwood is because of her.

Not that I want Rose to get sick (as if she is a real person), although it will be a convenient excuse for Amy not to go away and remain in Everwood, but I am happy she is not preggers. That would be too many show enders for my TV season. One show, okay, two maybe, but three that just becomes ridiculous and a shout for some original television content.

Now for Jake's brother. Not sure who the actor was, but he definitely made me feel swarmy. His smile was a bit too much for me and to quote Oliver on Dawson's Creek, he looked like a "city slicker." (reference Dawson's first meeting with Oliver at film festival where he won for the A.I. Brooks Story.) He looked a little Tom Cruise and a little Tom Cruise's cousin from Lost (Ethan).

Lastly, I would like to address the coffee consumption of teenagers. Now when I was in high school I did drink coffee, but I don't remember waking up and helping myself to my parents pot of coffee. It seems nowadays that's all we see.

Real Life Donkey Kong Without The Barrels

This was my thought on tonight's challenge on Real World/Road Rules Challenge. What's amazing to me is that "the Miz" always appears to be so built and strong, but comes across weak on so many of these challenges. It's as if he has too much muscle and they just collapse. Although I bet from now on he'll be wearing a cup. That slam on the steel bars must have hurt.

Not sure Julie should be cursing at God to help her just as I'm not sure if Jaime said more in this one episode than she did her entire season in France.

I loved how Tonya went up against the Witches of Eastwick, and wants the sympathy. This is the same woman who threw Beth's clothes in the pool not but four or so episodes ago.

As always the shameless promotion of the T-Mobile sidekick warranted a chuckle and the interaction between Dan and Tina was worth a pause or two on TiVo just for the facial expressions alone.

I admit the show is stupid and there is not enough action this season, but I get sucked in none the less.


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