Feeding the television obsession....

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What, No Yakety Yak...

clearly a small disappointment on American Idol. Although seeing J.P. from last season was a small consolation. How not into the show did he seem!

Tonight was a double dose of Karaoke. I was put at a small disadvantage because by living in NYC I rarely listen to the radio (no car) and therefore didn't know most of the billboard tops from this week. Be that as it may I agree that Bo and Carrie were the standouts of the evening.

I must say that Carrie looks better and better each week and Bo was doing a little tribute to Constantine by looking deep into the camera and trying to be all sultry.

I thought Vonzell's vocals were good but I think her first performance was a little to musical theatre for my liking.

I have to admit that "Scott the Body" did well on that first song. Although what is with the thug look. If he won, which I almost dare not say, he would be the worst marketing nightmare EVER. I could do without the hand gesturing. (actually I could do without him, but I digress....) My favorite part of his performance tonight was before his second song he paid tribute to the fact that he has a fashion coordinator. This person should be fired.

Now on to Anthony or AnTony as Simon likes to say. It's not a good sign when the camera is paying more attention to the orchestra than to you. He wasn't goofy at all he seemed devoid of energy minus a few leg pumps and a snap or two. It seems he didn't need to see for his second song since his contacts expired and he didn't have glasses on. I was hoping he would trip off the stage.

How Long do They Spin For?

That is my question on The Amazing Race. Don't those spinner people get tired/dizzy/fall over? (I have no idea how to spell the correct term. I could look it up, but why!) And, why are they at the train station? That also made no sense to me. Although it did say they were a religious group so maybe they are like the Hari Christnas (also don't know how to spell that) at the airport, but instead of giving out carnations they spin.

When we were shown Ron and Kelly finishing last week I never noticed how much she looked like a gnome with that hat on. My favorite line, which encapsulates all that is their relationship, "I've seen all I want to see from her." I can't believe Kelly borrowed the lipstick from the ticket woman, but I also can't believe how much Ron brings up the military. It's as if he has nothing else to talk about and is constantly throwing his experience in her face.

I have to say I'm not sure I would have taken the risk with the connecting flights. I would have needed more information, how many people on the waiting list, what time the next flight was etc. I'm sure they had some of that information to make the decision. I agree that it is risk time, but I may have played it safe. Although if I took the risk there is always the possibility of bribing someone once you get to the gate to give up their seats. And with the luck that Romber has I'm sure they could have convinced someone to do it.

LOVED Stuart. First of all does this guy not have a job, or did he call in late. He definitely saved the day and hooked Romber up. I'm also amazed by Stuart's knowledge. If someone came to NYC and started asking me questions I would have no idea.

I couldn't believe that the "Token Old People" saw the flag from the Ferris Wheel. I figured they couldn't see that far and I was even more surprised that they decided to do the "Brawn." You have to give them credit they really got pushed to their limits. Although they never really run and are always strolling.

Spoiler Alert

Given how hard they worked and all they had been through I was sad to see Gretchen and Meredith go. I will miss them slightly although it was clear they could never win. I mean they were such a non threat that Uchenna and Joyce didn't even yield them. Although not sure that was a good move I mean this is a race for $1 Million dollars, There is no time to be nice.

I was hoping that Gretchen and Meredith were going to ask for their stuff back.

What I was really hoping for that in all the frenzy of the race someone (ie Ron and Kelly) would get hit by a car given the cars coming from the other direction, sadly no such luck.


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