Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Two Episodes in a Row

The UPN has finally figured out to show Veronica Mars in chronological order. Or at least two episodes, we'll see what happens next week. I mean I get that it's the summer and needs to be shortened, but still.

Another New Show

And by this I mean, Hooking Up on CBS. For those of you not familiar it is about tracking people who are doing online dating. It follows them on different dates and the such. It is not even worth doing a good/bad because it's mostly bad, yet intriguing. More specifically, I'm sure I'll watch it again. Let's break it down another way (relates to multiple women):


On first date guy asks girl if she shaved her arms and then pretends to wipe something off her cleavage.

Girl gets cake and doesn't think you are a stalker freak and run away, in fact tells you she is looking for a husband and says she is really into you. (See things that make you a loser below for more context)

Girl complains guy on date is only looking at her cleavage, yet she is wearing a low neck/open shirt with tattoo between breasts pointing down to said cleavage.

Girl thinks the idea of going out with a Fabio is sexy and attractive (See things that make you a loser below for more context)

Man asks woman on first date if "she needs some love"

Things That Make You a Loser:

Woman is afraid of putting her picture online or giving her real name--YET she is on a national television show

Find out that the girl you are going out had a birthday yesterday, get her a cake, get her back to apartment to give her cake...(Now see funny up above)

Comparing yourself to Fabio (Now see funny up above)

Things I didn't Know:

You can "rent" horses in NYC and ride them through the streets (albeit with a bike helmet.)

There are men that if you say you are looking for a husband on the second date don't run screaming.

Things that Bother Me:

That it makes woman look like they are desperate and eager for something and even though the men are in the same boat I think the women are the ones that look weaker. Would like to see men more on the pursuing side. Makes it seem that women need men.


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