Feeding the television obsession....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's Not Just the Places

It's the people too on Amazing Race. I have to admit when the "Bickersons" mom said, "finally out of the country," she couldn't have said it better. However the people still don't bring a lot to the table.

This show should be called hurry up and wait. Now I know it's a race and you feel the need to rush, but you have to realize that at 1:30 in the morning no plane is going to Panama and nothing in Panama is going to be open.

Favorite/Most Ridiculous Quotes of the Night:

  1. I may be bossy, but my ideas are the best!
  2. Let's roll donkey (to bus driver)

Favorite Moments

  1. Woman taking the bus to work!
  2. The "scientist" trying to get his 1 minutes of fame by giving the clue but getting cut off
  3. "Bickerson" mom and son

I have to admit I got caught up in the mom/son melodrama. First of all it was nice to see the dad finally speak and he seemed so nice. Heartbreaking to see the mom just want a little love from the son and I have to admit a little choked up when they jumped, and he kissed her. Then on the mat he was happy he jumped with the mom. Hopefully now they will get along a little better, but I doubt it. (Maybe I'm rooting for them a little.)

The people with the "best" strategy, the family with kids. All this is about at this point is just not being last. They don't always have to be first and it is such a good way to set the kids up because then they are not being disappointed constantly. The kids are funny too. ALthough I have to admit have they learned nothing from Rob and Amber. If you get to the FF and someone else is there just leave. If they see you they are going to do it no matter what. By you being there you are saying you have to do it or you'll lose. The second they got there they should have left and gone to do the other things.

Most Ridiculous Moment of the Night - The fielding on the baseball field. Did you see that guy not even put his mitt on the ground to get the ball from the weaver kid. It was a mockery and clear he was flubbing it.

Overall, best episode this season...although not saying much!


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