Feeding the television obsession....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Amazingly Boring Race...

How do you make a great reality program boring...add families who are not very interesting. That's the story on The Amazing Race. Nothing interesting is happening with the exception of learning that our country is EXTREMLY white trash. I mean...the BIGGEST office chair. This is a tourist attraction. I mean who built that, who cares!

I don't understand why the families have SO much stuff. It just seems like it will bog them down, and I'm still not clear on the rules of when you have to drag stuff with you and when you can leave it in the car.

Despite the boringness of the episode there is nothing like seeing a 9 year old and 12 year old with a double blade saw and a face mask trying to saw. I'm not sure why the parents didn't think they could do it at the beginning.

Spoiler Alert

I was happy though that the tykes didn't get the boot. I wasn't in the mood to see them cry and was much happier to see the chauvenist dad get kicked off. Serves him right for never listeing. It is true that 1 minutes makes all the difference.

Hopefully next week will get interesting. They are finally leaving the country. I've had it with this one. I need some lost in translation, unfriendly tourists and waiting in train stations for the one overcrowded train until 3am. Hopefully all this will happen.

Oh and by the way Lake Pontchartrain NOT one of the Great Lakes.


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