Feeding the television obsession....

Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm Lost....and It's Alias!

Ha! Showing off my "sense of humor." ANYWAY...Alias. All summer WHO IS MICHAEL VAUGHN. I couldn't believe the season finale was obsessed and then for some reason as soon as they replayed it tonight I knew immediately that it was part of a coverup/conspiracy/out to get him thing. Don't know why it didn't register back in May. I might have had a little more sleep in the days that followed.

Well it seems Sydney and Vaugh/Micheau (that's my spelling trying to make it exotic) will never get to Santa Barbara. I had read all about his death and getting kicked off the show but I was still hoping it was a ruse and that we were getting false leaks. I was definitely caught up in the moment of the shooting and was a little shocked to tell you the truth. I'm not convinced he's done and that it could be a fake death with a bullet proof vest but that would be a little much. However it looks like it might be the last season, so ultimately who really cares if it's too much.

I was wondering what happenen to Arvin Clone and Arvin Sloane. It seemed Sloane was a little manic when we saw him in the cell and the Clone he just stopped showing up, does anyone know what happened to him?

Btw I never realized that with all of Sydney's talents she was a sketch artist too.

As the show ended in London for a second I figured Sydney would be working behind the bar and giving up the CIA life. I mean two of her life loves get killed/murdered because of what she does. If that is not a calling for a job change, I don't know what is.

As to the prophet 5 case. I have NO IDEA what they are talking about or what is going on. I don't get the Renee Ruin (again my idea of spelling and how things are going to turn out) or how the father, that cryptologist or anyone fits in. All I know is leave Rimbaldi out of it. Hopefully this one gets sorted out sooner than later so I can follow along.

Need a little help from DEsMONd

Tonight's premiere episode of Everwood got off to such a slow start I was hoping that DEsMONd would show up from Lost and give me some sort of clue on how he got there.

I didn't like the set up that from the beginning you knew Andy and Nina would work it out. Obviously they were but give us something. Additionally, I knew it was going to be Irv and Edna getting married, because anything else would be ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as that stupid centerpiece comment, but I digress.

Amy looked good and Delia is definitely growing up. It was funny when Irv said to the priest "to hell with that" and kissed Edna anyway. It was clear that Ephraim was going to show up at the end and it seems from the previews that Reed the "homosexual" is in the apartment so I'm not sure Bright's "secret boyfriend" is going to move in.

The episode did pick up some momentum near the end and hopefully it will hit its groove next week. I'm sure there will be lots going on because now that there is college involved and roomates that means more characters, more chaos. Hopefully, if anything, we lean more towards 90210 at CU than Saved by the Bell the College Years.

On the Docket

Fell a little behind this week. This weekend I'll be catching up on:

Boston Legal
My Name is Earl
Martha Stewart: Apprentice
Curb Your Enthusiasm

Whew...I'm a little tired just reading all that.


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