Feeding the television obsession....

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm Lost!

Even though I have seen every episode of Lost thus far I still tuned into the recap episode. However since I started when the premiere episode already started I got too excited, fast forwarded and went straight for the good stuff.

First of all when the show first started I thought this was a flashback. I was trying to guess if the guy was Jack, Sawyer, etc and the suddenly we are in the god forsaken cursed hatch.

Then quick cut to the darkness of the island and Hurley with those numbers. Did anyone notice how much scruff the dude had on his face. I felt like he was one big hair ball.

Anyway, all the darkness, fire, Shannon seeing Walt really starts to stress me out. This show makes me nervous. Then when Locke gets Kate to go first. I have to say if that was me, fuck that if you want to know what's in the hatch so badly you go. And by the way the trees NEVER hold. I mean that is the oldest trick in the book.

Oh we interrupt this program about a plane crash to show you a Jet Blue plane making an emergency landing with basically no real front landing gear. (For those of you who don't know the outcome the plane landed safely and all the people were fine...which I can't say for those on this island!)

Then Jack goes for the hatch...AY. Why does he throw the fire down. He knows there's water it's not going to help. My stress level is getting more and more.

The entire time I am interested in the Island, the hatch, etc, but not so much Jack's backstory. I felt I kind of knew all this stuff before and was a little blah...but then....IT'S YOU!!!!!...the guy who said he'd see Jack in the next life!

We interrupt this episode of Lost to show you a COMMERCIAL for Jet Blue. ie the same airline that is currently making an emergency landing.

Ack..until next week. What will happen? That hatch is freakin' crazy. It's like the biosphere in there. I just hope this season is as good or better than last season and doesn't go all sci-fi on us.

By the way, when did keyboards say execute rather than enter?

Oh and that damn dog. It's the devils dog I say!


Blogger The I-Train said...

Somehow, I expected a bit more. It was very good, but I guess I was expecting answers. No answers on this show. Always more questions...

4:59 PM


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