Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Interested in the Hatch

I'm glad that they brought a little attention to Michael and Sawyer, but I have to say I was much more interested in the hatch on Lost than whether or not we had an "open water" situation on our hands.

I was disappointed that we still only got to "it's you." I was hoping for a little more. Of course I'm all caught up in what year DEsMONd and Jack met and what year DEsMONd ended up in the hatch and how he got there. Also, even though I'm sure they are starving I definitely WOULD not have chowed down on any of that food. Who knows what it is tainted with and did you not see the sign that said Quarantine. I'm sure the Apollo candy was a reference to something, but I don't know what it was. Also, where'd all that food come from?

At first I was confused b/c I didn't understand why we were seeing a repeat of Locke going down the hatch. I then thought it would be interesting to see the entire show continually from each person's perspective ala Kate watching Jack enter etc. It's very Back to the Future with Marty watching himself go to the Under the Sea dance and punch Biff in the face.

It was totally weird that Locke took his shoes off when he entered the room. At first I thought he wanted to be quiet/sneaky, but I actually think it was more than that. Did anyone catch the look on Sawyer's face by the way when he saved Michael he was all smirks until Michael lambasted him and he was back to his regular angry self.

Next week should be interesting since we start to meet some other plane survivors as well as the extras that were evidently in the Michael Jackson Thriller video by the looks of things. Of course that would tie in to the 1980's being replicated in the hatch.

Oh, and of course the numbers. Obviously the 108 was all the numbers added together after Locke plugged them in the computer. What you may not know is all the numbers represent numbers that have been retired by the New York Yankees. No other team in baseball has all those numbers retired. Just something to throw out there.

Who was at the Door?

I have to say I was a little surprised it was Logan on Veronica Mars, as the last we left him he was looking to get thrown off a bridge.

I don't love the jumping from Logan back to Duncan and I definitely don't love the Logan sleeping with the mom thing. You would think he wouldn't be into that with his dad going after Lilly.

Everyone seems to be saying how this episode was awesome. I thought it was fine/good and then I really liked the ending as it really threw us into things.

Just when you thought maybe Weavel and Veronica would make up and maybe he would have her look into who really killed Felix you get that surprise ending. I think there could be some good mysteries this year and it was a good episode to get things started.

Gladly, things are not back to "normal."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:52 AM

Blogger breanna said...

aaaaaack!!! Veronica Mars was even BETTER than i hoped!!! I was litterally screaming there at the end with the whole bus off the cliff thing...holy cow. great episode. and i was real impressed with how they didn't just tell all the stuff that had happened over the summer up front, but sprinkled it through...didn't expect her to return to duncan...i keep hoping she'll hook up with the hot cop again.

1:49 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a nubbie to Lost so maybe you can give insight. I noticed that the symbol that was on DEsMONd's clothing as well as all of the food was also on the shark's body as it swam underwater. Just throwing that out there.

11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a nubbie to Lost so maybe you can give insight. I noticed that the symbol that was on DEsMONd's clothing as well as all of the food was also on the shark's body as it swam underwater. Just throwing that out there.

11:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont delete the prison break episodes....watch them, its a great show

3:32 PM

Blogger rob said...

watch prison break....dont delete.....its great

3:32 PM


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