Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wallace has a Brother?

I know the big news on Veronica Mars is that that dude is Wallace's father, but you had to see that coming. I didn't realize that Wallace had a brother. Not that it makes a difference, just who knew!

So it seems that VM is going a little bit Alias with the mother/girlfriend having a different identity. This will definitely blow up and potentially hurt Keith's run for Sheriff and most likely ruin the relationship with between Wallace and the new girl. Who I wonder if she is connected to all this in some way or is simply the new girlfriend.

I feel like there are a lot of mysteries going on this year, much more than last year. Now we have Duncan hanging out at the hospital everyday. This relationship is just not going to last. Once Logan gets over himself and his anger I'm sure we'll be seeing him and VM back together.

VM and Duncan also can't stay together because this whole computer secret thing is going to blow up. Also I feel like the Meg sister thing is bizzare as well and I feel like there is a set-up. By the way how did Meg's parents know about Veronica and the bus. Why put blame on her. That's weird to me.

The mystery of who set up Logan and killed Weavil's friend is that just done with or is it tied into the whole bus thing. I figured it's all tied in, but it just hasn't been mentioned in a while.

So next year does Veronica go to Stanford or some made up California college near home so she can continue to be a detective?

Where's Lost?

My husband went off last night to watch baseball and hockey so I promised I would wait until we watched "The 10,000 dollar question(s)." See what a good wife I am! Therefore I caught up with My Name is Earl and all I have to say is...."I don't care if she speaks Chinese, Vietnamese or Chucky Cheese...."

This show is pretty funny and anytime Giovanni Ribisi plays a part I don't feel like he is a celebrity guest star just a funny addition.


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