Feeding the television obsession....

Friday, October 21, 2005

Jin Speaks English...

Since no mysteries are ever solved on Lost, I decided to start keeping track of all of the english words that Jin speaks with the anticipation that he will speak english by the end of the season or the end of the series, whichever. This is one "mystery" that can be solved.

English Words Jin Speaks:

  • Fish
  • Walt
  • Port
  • No
  • Michael
  • Others
  • Yes
  • You
  • You go back
  • I go
  • You find Walt

Feel free to add to the list.

Overall I thought Wed. episode was good. I didn't feel like I was in a holding pattern because the back of the planers (backers) had to find the front of the planers (fronters) and so something was happening. Plus Michael is trying to find Walt and we did see the legs of (dirty) of "The Others.) So even though nothing was solved, (as usual) it seems that things are getting set up FOR THREE WEEKS FROM NOW.

I mean c'mon. This isn't Fox. There is no World Series. This is just annoying. I guess I'll watch VM in the living room rather than the bedroom.

(SIDE NOTE: The kid from Everybody Hates Chris is on Ellen right now. I wish I watched that show, just too many conflicts. Hopefully they'll show it over the summer or move it also to another week.)

Anyway, back to Lost. I think this was the first time Jack mentioned to anyone on the Island that he was married. Plus it is still not clear if he is divorced or she died. Keeping in the sock drawer makes me believe that their divorced. Like if she died maybe he would still be wearing it.

My favorite part of the entire episode was the conversation between Sun and Hurley. Best lines:

  • Seoul-is that in the good Korea or the bad Korea?
  • Dude

Lastly, has everyone noticed that Jin STILL wears that handcuff? I never noticed it before wed. episode. Plus Anna-Lucia, way to bossy for me. She treats these people like hostages.

Now I have three weeks to figure out all the mysteries and try and convince my husband not to give up the show in pure nothing is being answered frustration.

My Security Questions

Yikers with Alias. I really need to rethink my security questions. Usually I go with "the name of my high school," or if I am feeling really sneaky "what is my favorite color. Did you check out those questions that were asked to access the bank account. I mean what was that!

This to me, was the best episode of the season action wise. I felt that I knew what was going on, it was back to old school and there were a few good Marshall interactions, awkwardness.

Not sure what that guy said to Sloane to get him out or what was offered. I rewound my TiVo a few times, but I couldn't make sense of it. I also don't understand when you don't get legal counseling. That's America for you.

Aack with the car drop. You know she should go see that CIA doctor, because that can't be good for the baby.

I got to get myself one of those pairs of dice, baby needs a new pair of shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are a very bored person aren't you?? If every t.v. show has boring parts or is boring entirely then maybe you should find a new hobby. Useless information!!

5:34 PM


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