Feeding the television obsession....

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the...zzzzzzz

My name is Sara and I'm addicted to oil.

Once again we get to see the State of Union. Which when it comes down to it is really a pep rally. Bush, with his approval ratings so low needed some clapping and rooting to make him feel better. Unfortunately, now I feel worse.

My list of thoughts/observations/mockery of the President:

  1. The state of the union...not strong
  2. Why do the judges need to wear their robes? It's not necessary.
  3. Did someone have to prep Alito since it was his first day, dude you're not allowed to clap.
  4. With everyone shooting the shit at the beginning, they should have donuts and coffee.
  5. I love Tim Russert but, I would have like to have Jon Stewart do the commentary...
  6. Or at least the Democratic response b/c this guy's a bore.
  7. Too bad Cindy Sheehan got arrested, that would have made good viewing
  8. Nice to see Cheney out of the bunker
  9. Bush forgot Alito was confirmed, had to go back up the aisle to congratulate him
  10. Only took four minutes to mention 9/11
  11. 9/11=2 mentions, purple thumb=1
  12. When Bush spoke to the Iraqi's or Iranians..whoever does he know they are sleeping?
  13. I didn't realize our road to victory was clear?
  14. Is the road to victory anything like the yellowbrick road?
  15. Favorite moment = Democrats clapping when Bush's initiatives were not passed
  16. Favorite facial expressions = Hillary Clinton
  17. I wonder if homeland security reads my blog
  18. FYI, you don't need to be good at math to have a high wage job.
  19. I'm glad Bush thinks that the state of the union is good b/c there are less abortions
  20. Is he comparing himself to Lincoln and MLK?
  21. Did I see a tear at the end?
  22. "Gift of our Creator" should not be in the State of the Union. That actually sums up the problem with our Union.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Who Knew...

Last night I was just clicking around and what did I find...the SAG Awards. Now here is a show I have never watched. Not sure why. I have to say, whereas not so eventful, quite enjoyable. Once again, like the Golden Globes, the actors are all put at oddly arranged tables with lots of food and wine. As a viewer I'm hoping for lots of drunken displays of something. Unfortunately, I didn't really get that but it was fun anyway.

Speeches were short and good, most people looked great, shout out Felicity Huffman and Reese Witherspoon and the only real disappointment was that Michelle Williams was overlooked again for Rachel Weisz and that the cast of Desperate Housewives won an award. I think there should be a ban on who you thank in these awards because otherwise all the speeches sound the same. Like there should be a caveat that if a person wins all people involved, cast, production, writers are thanked and let them say something else. I didn't know that Shirley Temple was still alive and for the record Dakota Fanning shouldn't be introducing anyone when she has to talk about the Depression. Speaking of depression the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond could not have looked more bored or uninterested in the evening's events.

All in all, an entertaining show. Mostly because it is done in two hours just in time for Grey's Anatomy...

what a great episode. I loved learning more about Izzy and also that even though he's a slime that Alex was getting all this attention. I thought the "anti-Bailey" was awesome and I can see why Sandra Oh keeps winning awards. Although I wonder if the rest of the cast will get jealous. As always, George is great, funny, cute and awkward. Which was sumarized best with the final line of the episode, "anyone want to have sex."

really looking forward to next weeks episode because in all my 10,000 years of ER there has never been a CODE BLACK.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Lost..and some other stuff too.

So many things to say about last night's Lost.

Funniest Moments:

  1. Sawyer calling Locke, "Mr. Clean."
  2. End of the episode Locke says to Sawyer, "see ya James."
  3. Hurley not only being interested in Lily, but basically saying that if he ever had a chance with a girl it would be on a "deserted island."

Scariest Moment:

  1. Zeke/Captain Ahab/Fuzzy/The Other - All in the dark, he scared me.


1. If I were Jack, before I let the situation get all contentious I would have asked the leader dude a lot more questions.

2. When "Zeke"/Captain Ahab or as I like to call him fuzzy was all this is our island we let you live on it, I would have said, dude it's all yours just tell us how to get off.

3. Nice to know the story about Jack and the divorce. You knew that dude was going to die.

4. I don't think there was anyone behind all those other lanterns.

5. Don't think the army is such a good idea. Especially if they have "moles" than they are going to know..all badness.

6. Prediction - Season Ends at the beginning of some big battle or just as someone gets seriously hurt.

By the way, I don't like to be told what to do either!

Side Notes:

Even though I like Scrubs, I think Zach Braff is starting to becoming annoying. Something with his voice.

Crazy ridiculous that Ruthie got sent home and Beth is the new captain of the Veterans on The Gauntlett II. I loved how Montana sucked up to her at the end. I consistently think they do this voting in this poorly. They should just have a standard and stick to that standard.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Let the Award Shows Begin!

Even thought it wasn't the first award show of the season, the Golden Globes kicked us off last night giving us insights into Oscar Night on March 5th. Despite all the awards shows between now and then this is the only one that matters.


Was made up of E! with it's new lineup, a little of Joan and Melissa which is always a car wreck, followed by Nancy O'Dell and Dean Caine on NBC. I have to say, Izaac Mizrahi on E! is going to become the new Joan Rivers. His questions made stars cringe. It got to a point where he went on too long, people didn't want to talk to him and he was entirely inappropriate and irritating. Only Anne Hathaway in her interview rivaled in annoyingness. Not only did he look down Teri Hatcher's dress, but he made so many gay references to Ryan Seacrest (aka THE BOSS) that I was almost surprised they didn't cut him while the show was going on. Ryan Seacrest who usually gets on my nerves did a pretty good job with his co-host from the View. Where has she been.

Didn't watch enough of Joan and Melissa to give an analysis. It was too distracting to have my television lineup scrolling across the bottom. As of NBC my favorite part was the shocked face of Nancy O'Dell as she asked Chris Rock ridiculous questions and then he rocked the "N-word" to make her step back in shock.

My Own Awards

Most Overlooked Actors - Michelle Williams, Jeremy Piven

Best Presenter - Chris Rock

Actor Most Likely on Coke - Guy who won for playing Elvis (who's in Match Point now)

Most Disappointing Win - DH for comedy series. This show is not funny, it's no longer good.

Best Speeches - Steve Carrell (although I didn't want to see him win), George C., Felicity H., Hugh L.

Best Dressed - This is a hard one. I liked Marcia Cross, and Sandra Oh. On a funny note I thought when Sandra Oh! was being interviewed before the show began that her sister was actually her girlfriend and they were having a baby together. I was like, hmm I didn't know that I thought she just got divorced.

Most Deserving Awards - Philip Seymour Hoffman, Felicity Huffman

Most Pumped Up - Ryan Phillipe. I never saw anyone as excited as him.

Most Depressed Award - Hey Joaquin, YOU WON!

The Girl Most Likely to Be Your Friend - Reese Witherspoon

Most Likely to be the Next Roberto Benini - Ang Lee

James Frey Award - Geena Davis, although she owned up to her lie. And it was funny.

Overall, a good show.It's so much better than the Oscars, no host, no bs awards and it moves quickly. Speeches are funny, mood is good, I think it's all the drinking. I was also sad that My name is Earl, or Scrubs or Entourage didn't get recognized. And I know Hugh Laurie is supposed to be good, but give it to someone else.

My final question, why is it that Heath Ledger is receiving all this acclaim and nominations but we see nothing of Jake G. Why was he not even there?

Feel free to offer your own commentary on last night's award show.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


If you are looking for some great insight or interesting commentary on tonight's two hour premiere of 24... I DON'T WATCH IT!! STOP HARASSING ME!! I have heard all the hype, I know it's a "great"show, I know you CAN'T BELIEVE it's not on my TV schedule. What kind of tv blogger/watcher am I? What's wrong with me!! I will not apologize! I just don't watch it. It conflicted with other shows, I chose not to watch it, It's five years in, I'm over it! And NO, I'm not going to rent the DVDs. If this makes me a bad TV obsessive viewer than so be it. And don't try throwing out that you can't believe I still watch ER. What can I tell you, it's getting good again AND I've been involved since the beginning. Oh and one more thing, you don't watch all the shows I tell you to watch, so we're even!

Now that I got that off my chest....

The Shows that I do Watch

Desperate Housewives. I have to say, tonight's episode for me, was the best episode of the season. Even though I'm sick of the Mary Alice storyline I'm intrigued that Mrs. Huber's sister is back and I enjoyed almost all the storylines. I have to say I even laughed out loud a few times. As always I enjoyed Lynette/Tom dynamic as I feel they are the most real-to-life. I enjoyed the "not so rational" reaction to the back-up plan, and it was "nice" to see Tom have an aspect to his character that will make him 3-dimensional and bring in real emotion.

Speaking of Felicy Huffman. I saw Transamerica this past week and I have to say it was excellent. She did a wonderful job as did the boy who played her son. It was such an interesting movie and so well executed. I truly hope she wins an award. Grade A. Anyway....

Once again, it is clear where we are headed with Bree and her alcoholism. And maybe, we're going to get rid of the Applewhites soon, because as I said before, who cares. The one storyline that I dont care about at all..Susan. I'm over her and as far as I'm concerned they can get rid of her from the show all together.

New Beginnings...

All I have to say is how happy that I am that Grey's Anatomy is back. There isn't one thing really that jumps out at me and it's not that I thought the episode was so incredible or funny, or great. I just like the show and it's been like four weeks since it's been on so I was just happy to see some "old friends."

Looking forward to a good Golden Globes tomorrow not. Look out for lots of commentary. I'll be Tivoing The Bachelor and Gauntlett II for later viewing.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Just Say No....Charlie!

So it seems that Charlie has been going back and forth to the plane to pick up more and more drug statues on Lost. He played it off well, with I don't know where the plane is. This is only badness. I do feel like Claire was a bit harsh on him and could have been a little more supportive, but I guess that doesn't make good drama. And who wants a drug addict near your child?!

And then Eko, yikers. He's no priest. Although he def. transformed to one. To his brother's point signing the paper does not make one a priest. Although the 40 days of silence, the repentence all that, I guess that makes you a priest. And everyone is going to think he is . Why did it not seem weird to Charlie that he knew the people in the plane? And why didn't it seem odd to Eko? It was nice to see his back story. Very interesting and scary. I liked the Eko focused episode.

The black monster/smoke....here's the thing. Could be interesting or could be bad and too ridiculous. I will withhold judgement at this point.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So I was watching the Gauntlett II last night (oh Alton, so cute, but that vein...it's gonna burst!) and then switched over to The Bachelor: Paris at 10:30 to see what it was all about. Now keep in mind, never was a Bachelor follower, but holy yikers on the oncologist. For those that didn't see. She didn't get a coveted rose and basically flipped out and not only accosted the bachelor, but THE CAMERA guy as well. It seems that all she was intereste in was REPRODUCTION. Who uses that word except my 6th grade health teacher Mrs. Podebecki? I guess she had made references to her eggs drying up. She wanted to know why she wasn't chosen. She believed that her main qualification for being chosen was that she too was a physician. When she got all in the Bachelor's face I wanted him to be like this is why you weren't chosen, this right here you stupid stupid girl. Even the cameraman was like, uh, I don't know lady, um I think you need to catch a plane back to the states you freaker who will never ever ever get a date again. I mean this woman is on national television yelling how she's tried everything from internet dating, to speed dating well I can tell ya, this may be the end of the road for you sister.

The thing that annoys me about this show, albeit entertaining. Is that the women are so incredibly desperate and feed into the negative stereotypes that women have. They are literally throwing themselves at this guy. Again entertaining so I try to put it out of my head. Now since I didn't watch it from the beginning I don't know all the backstories and who's who, but I think I may get invested. Seems like funny watching.

Back to the Gauntlett II. Now nothing so wonderful happened except the more and more sexual nature of each task. But a shout out to Alton. I mean what a guy to choose a Gauntlett that Adam has a chance at. And I have to admit I liked Adam better here than I ever had before. Too bad he had to leave so soon.

Sara's (Emily's) Reason's Why Not:

  1. The show is not that funny
  2. Despite liking Heather Graham in Scrubs her character is a little annoying here.
  3. Not much of a supporting cast.

HOWEVER - it was only the pilot and I always give pilots another chance. AND, nothing is really on during that timeslot so we'll see.

More Movies....

Good Night and Good Luck - This was a really good movie. All-star cast. Great writing, good issues and awesome how you can close your eyes and it's as if it is happening today. Another good thing, only like an hour and 15 minutes or something. Grade: A/A-

Unlike some other movies...

King Kong - Yes this was silly silly silly. But I have to admit I enjoyed it. I got into the story and the special effects were truly incredible. A little too Jurassic Park, but not too much that I was annoyed. I would give this movie an "A", but I can't due to the length. Just way too long. You know a movie is long when there is no possible way you could sneak into another one. I think I also enjoyed it because I had never seen any of the other versions before. Grade B+

Monday, January 09, 2006

Desperate---For Season One!

So after a long break we are back to new episodes of our "favorite shows." Now I have to admit this episode of Desperate Housewives wasn't the worst of them. In fact I sort of liked the banter between Lynette and Gabby over the kiss as well as when Carlos went over to Lynette's house. There was a lot more of a dynamic between the ladies, which I think is what the show needs. However all of this was chuckle, not hilarious and definitely not that good.

The bads...AY with zach. Who cares who cares who cares. The Applewhites...who cares who cares who cares. I was moderately interested in who that guy was, but not so incredibly intrigued. And caleb with that icecream. I missed the last few minutes after Betty said she was worried. And finally, Susan. Get a different angle. Your voice, your mannerisms, and the whole running into the car, predictable. Maybe the show wasn't that good last year either and it was just new and now we are all being way to critical i'm not sure. Because I'm not sure exactly what this show needs. Although where it Brie's daughter, and btw what it thinks it needs is Brie becoming an alcoholic which they are setting her up for. Oh and it was nice to see Carl do something nice.

No New Episode -

So all we got from Grey's Anatomy was a episode recap. I guess since the show is so good I'm willing to sacrifice a week so more people could get caught up. I watched some of it and had forgotten about some funny moments and then watched DH on TiVo. I can't wait until next week.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year!

It's a new year, and lots of new shows to celebrate with. But first more vacation movie madness:

Munich: Brings up some interesting discussion, and I enjoyed the psychological turmoil of a "regular" guy turned assassin, but a little too long and the last shot of the movie was a bit gratuitous for my taste. Overall Grade - B

Memoirs of a Geisha: I enjoyed it. It has been a long time since I read the book so I wasn't concerned with how well they went together. Good story, fairly good momentum, definitely some gaps. A good renter. Overall Grade - B/B+

Syriana: Snoozefest. Overall Grade - C-/C

Up Next: King Kong, Good Night Good Luck, Match Point.


Scrubs is Back, Scrubs is Back! (One for each episode)

The episodes weren't outstanding, but I was glad the show is back and maybe I just need to get back into the groove. Not sure what was up with Turk's facial hair. Like is that supposed to be funny for the show or is that just a new look?!

My Name is Earl

I love it anytime they show the two kids, although this time I didn't need to hear them talk. It's better for those kids to be seen not heard. I loved the cameo by the dude from the episode where Earl taught English. Plus nothing beats Randy laying down playing dead in the ostrich pen. Slightly annoying that it was moved to Thursday's although I guess now that Reunion was cancelled it doesn't really matter.

Gauntlett II

Oh Beth, Beth Beth. Get a job, get off this show. You are getting too old and haggard for this show. You are pathetic, pathetic I say. I miss Johnny Mosely. Plus Mark maybe you should go with Beth. Where's Veronica hating Katie when you need it?!

New Show Alert!

Four Kings, Thursday at 8:30 on NBC. I definately laughed out loud once, maybe twice. I won't say the show is good or bad. It needs a few episodes because it really could go either way. I'm holding out on analysis. One note, one of the guys looks like a younger Duncan's dad on Veronica Mars.