Feeding the television obsession....

Sunday, January 15, 2006


If you are looking for some great insight or interesting commentary on tonight's two hour premiere of 24... I DON'T WATCH IT!! STOP HARASSING ME!! I have heard all the hype, I know it's a "great"show, I know you CAN'T BELIEVE it's not on my TV schedule. What kind of tv blogger/watcher am I? What's wrong with me!! I will not apologize! I just don't watch it. It conflicted with other shows, I chose not to watch it, It's five years in, I'm over it! And NO, I'm not going to rent the DVDs. If this makes me a bad TV obsessive viewer than so be it. And don't try throwing out that you can't believe I still watch ER. What can I tell you, it's getting good again AND I've been involved since the beginning. Oh and one more thing, you don't watch all the shows I tell you to watch, so we're even!

Now that I got that off my chest....

The Shows that I do Watch

Desperate Housewives. I have to say, tonight's episode for me, was the best episode of the season. Even though I'm sick of the Mary Alice storyline I'm intrigued that Mrs. Huber's sister is back and I enjoyed almost all the storylines. I have to say I even laughed out loud a few times. As always I enjoyed Lynette/Tom dynamic as I feel they are the most real-to-life. I enjoyed the "not so rational" reaction to the back-up plan, and it was "nice" to see Tom have an aspect to his character that will make him 3-dimensional and bring in real emotion.

Speaking of Felicy Huffman. I saw Transamerica this past week and I have to say it was excellent. She did a wonderful job as did the boy who played her son. It was such an interesting movie and so well executed. I truly hope she wins an award. Grade A. Anyway....

Once again, it is clear where we are headed with Bree and her alcoholism. And maybe, we're going to get rid of the Applewhites soon, because as I said before, who cares. The one storyline that I dont care about at all..Susan. I'm over her and as far as I'm concerned they can get rid of her from the show all together.

New Beginnings...

All I have to say is how happy that I am that Grey's Anatomy is back. There isn't one thing really that jumps out at me and it's not that I thought the episode was so incredible or funny, or great. I just like the show and it's been like four weeks since it's been on so I was just happy to see some "old friends."

Looking forward to a good Golden Globes tomorrow not. Look out for lots of commentary. I'll be Tivoing The Bachelor and Gauntlett II for later viewing.


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