Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bizarro Lost

So last night's episode of Lost was "Bizarro Lost." That is the story of the other survivors. The clinical psychologist instead of the surgeon. Two small children that probably equal the age of Walt, and a female agressive leader instead of Jack. Oh of course on this side of the island they kill small wild chickens and the other boars.

Additionally, of course, what took us one year to get through now takes us one episode.

The biggest disappointment for me, just to get it out of the way, was the last five minutes. THey extened the show and basically it was a recap. It wasn't so awesome to see those last five minutes from the "tailies" perspective. DIdn't really learn anything new. Except now I remembered who went missing right before the two "sides" met. I just didn't register it last week.

The first mystery of course is Bernard...how did he end up in that tree buckled next to that kid? I thought he was in the bathroom. Or was he on his way back and just took a seat when things got turbulent?

I'm trying to figure to figure out how many "tailiess" there were. It seemed the Others took nine which isn't a "number." How many were there to begin with? They need a flight manifesto or to make some sort of list.

It seems that unlike the front of the plane the "tailies" lost weight in their 48 days. I guess it's all that walking while Jack and crew is living large in caves, on the beach, eating boars, eating from the hatch, etc.

The one other thing that was interesting to me was the transformation of Anna Lucia. At the beginning she seemed so friendly then she went all bad ass. I'm interested in her back story. When she was asked if she had kids and she hesitated I think there is more there.

The other mysteries arising of course is a continuation of "good vs evil." The Others only take the good. Maybe that's why Charlie was going to get killed because he was "bad" with the drugs and all. I have forgotten how Claire got back. Why don't the others go after the people in the front other than Walt? Is it that there are too many? Is it that they are all bad? Does this further the purgatory theory in some way?

And the last question, why are all "the others" from Canada? (Nathan/Ethan).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nathan may have been from Canada, but he wasn't an other.

11:52 AM

Blogger breanna said...

Sara! Where have you gone?!?! so much is going on in tv land....i neeeeeed your perspective and witty remarks.....

are you okay?

11:11 PM


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