Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm Back...!

FirstI would like to thank Breanna for her concern. Secondly I would like to apologize for my absense. For those of you who don't know I am going back to school to get my masters degree. The last few weeks since thanksgiving have been crazy as I had to get all my projects done for the end of the semester. Plus I went to Jamaica for thanksgiving which didn't help matters. But, don't worry my study breaks were made up of watching television so I'm all caught up, just didn't have time to write about it....so now let's get to it:

Sunday Night's:

Desperate Housewives - First of all thank god that George is dead. That could have been the worse plotline ever. Now let's just get rid of the kid in the basement and maybe we'll get back to normal. I don't care about that story, don't care that he killed someone, don't care that he likes ice cream. Maybe they'll start to get back to basics, although now that Zach is back maybe they'll just keep rehashing the same story over and over. Right now the show is getting a big fast C-/D+. I watch it hoping something will happen that will be interesting. For me I'm only midly interested in what Andrew is going to do, only because they have had that teaser out for a year!

Grey's Anatomy - LOVE this show. George couldn't be more awesome and the fact that the "nazi" is now preggers and bosses around her unborn child is too funny. From the leaches on the guy's face to the boy who didn't believe in Santa the cases are great and again you would think we would have covered everything with ER, but no, we haven't. I'm actually sad for Addison now that Derek told her he loved Meredith, now it's just sad. I want Alex to tell Izzi what he has been going through and maybe they'll start talking again, or maybe she and George will hook it up and that will be hilarious and awkward. I really hope Christina and Burke stay together and maybe we can see a little of Izzi's family which we haven't yet. It would also be funny to see Christina's mom with George's dad, but that just won't happen!

Curb Your Enthusiasm - I have to say this season, not that good. The season finale--zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. It was too long and not that funny. Very disappointing!

Monday Night's:

How I Met Your Mother - I missed the last episode before it went on hiatus which is slightly annoying. Hopefully I will catch it over the hiatus. I'm giving this show best new sitcom award for fall 2005 season.

Kitchen Confidential - It's getting cancelled, I'm slowly tearing myself away. See ya!

Real World/Road Rules; Gauntlett II - Who are all these people and where is my boyfriend Johnny Mosely. This new host is clearly reading off cue cards and he is awful, potentially one too many falls off the ol' BMX racer. It's always a little hard to follow at the beginning anyway, but thankfully Beth and Katie are on the show and the killer mormon. They will make up for the lack of Tonya, Veronica, Coral and of course The Miz.

Tuesday Night's:

My Name is Earl - Actually this might be the funniest new show on television. If you are not watching this it is awesome. When Crab Man and Joy were getting married and they did the montage of Earl and Crabman's relationship..hilarious.."hey crabman, hey earl." This is white trash at its best.

The Amazingly Boring Race - Still boring, but tomorrow night is the finale. Hoping for the Linz's to win, they probably won't. The producers will probably fix it again ala bring plane back to gate and allow the weavers to win to demonstrate how they overcame such odds. What odds though, people don't like them. This is a race why do you care what people think?! You are just annoying!

Boston Legal - This show is out of control. It's funny, but ridiculous. It's as if once again David E. Kelly has decided that he has won the requisite Emmy's and now nothing is sacred. His storyline's don't even make sense and they without a doubt cross the line of believable. Ally McBeal here we come.

Real World - All I have to say is if you didn't see the Reunion episode find it, TiVo it. It doesn't matter if you didn't watch all season it could be the funniest one ever. Literally I was multitasking and I stopped what I was doing. Never have I seen so much yelling on a reunion show, it was awesome.

Wednesday Night's:

Lost - I have to say I lost a little interest in the show for a while. I still loved it, but I thought it was getting a little boring as we got caught up with the tailies. I'd like to see more about Rose and her husband and of course about Libby since she is probably an Other. Hopefully one of these days the wheelchair mystery will be revealed. Now that both camps are together I think the show will get interesting again. Although I did hear the monster is coming back and I'm not a big fan! Unfortunately we won't see this show until mid-January.

Veronica Mars - Thank god wallace is back. I missed him, although is that girlfriend of his going to be back too. And the baby...yikers. So the question is for those of you who saw the alternate ending are we to assume that Meg just died from her wounds or that she was killed? If you didn't know she was going to die from that ending you knew she was going to die with the "if anything ever happens to me...speech." And what happened with her parents locking the kid up in the closet? Are we over that? So now there will be some sort of baby fight? Also what's going on with Keith and Wallace's mom are they definitely over, never to speak again? So clearly Duncan and Veronica will break up. Will we see Logan's father out of jail? I would like one or two mysteries solved soon as we learn about the bus crash. There is a little too much going on!

Alias - Now that's it moved to Wednesday's....still have no idea with Prophet Five is. I think I'm glad this is the last season. I mean I love it and all but the stories are getting repetitive. I hear we see all the old characters in the finale. That will be something to look forward too.

Thursday Night's:

The O.C. - The show is in a huge slump. Nothing is really going on except "who will get into Brown..." who cares! The Johnny/Ryan/Marissa triange a snoozer...I think we need to see Ryan's illegitimate baby show up about now. Or maybe what's his face from season one.."Welcome to the o.c. biatch." We need some action, some comedy enough of the melodrama that's isn't.

Reunion - CANCELLED!! Couldn't be more annoying. So do I keep watching it? Do I give it up now? What do I do? All I know that between this and North Shore I need to stay away from show's that Jenna's in. Im going to keep watching. I mean now that Craig is like the 100th person on television to really walk but be faking in a wheelchair I need to see how that happened.

Everwood - Also a great show, although I missed the last 10 minutes this week. I'm a little sad that Delia is getting all grown up though. I would like to see more Andy and Nina and I'm glad that Hannah didn't really leave. I was definiately dooped on that one. Do you think her and Bright had the sex in the shower? As a side note..freakin' earl. Last week he had some sort of monologue that summed up one of my papers exactly..see TV really does help us learn.

ER - For those of you who dont' watch..which is everyone..Abby's preggers, Abby's preggers...that's all!

So now we are in xmas hiatus and a new crop of shows are coming in January. Haven't read that much about them, but will definately be checking them out. At this rate shows that could be dropped - DH, O.C, BL, making room for more.

I have a cold so I'm off to snuggle under the blanket and of course watch more t.v.


Blogger starbender said...

With U here, I can ditch my cable!

8:14 PM

Blogger rebecca marie said...

everything else in this post became a blur once i saw the words "bring a plane back to the gate."

hey uchena and joyce, rob and amber called, they want their million dollars back.

1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back

5:44 PM

Blogger breanna said...

i've been hiding out under a blanket with a box of tissues and a bottle of nyquil...sorry i missed your triumphant return! i couldn't be more thrilled to have you back! it's like a breath of fresh air (if i could breath, that is).

a couple of things...i was equally thrilled about the outcome of Amazing Race. and i completely agree about Veronica Mars (which is,have i pointed out, my FAVORITE show on tv right now). too much going on...which is not a bad thing..i'm just DYING for some answers here. and wallace's return was not a moment too soon.

i'm so completely over the kid in the basement storyline as well. I hate it even more than the george storyline. although i am glad he's gone.

and i'm completely pissed that Grey's Anatomy (my 2nd fav.) hasn't had a new episode in like ten years. COME ON!

ER? is that show still on? why?

and...do you watch Las Vegas? cause i'd highly recommend it...if only for Josh Duhamel. HOT!

i'm SO ready for all the new episodes....let the good times roll

5:22 PM


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