Feeding the television obsession....

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Beginning of a Sad Week....

So this is it, the last week of the 2004-2005 television season. Let's all take a moment to reflect on what a good fun year it's been. To kick off the week there was some closure on Desperate Housewives except that Zana looked Chinese as an infant and two scenes later was an entirely different baby. I still have never heard of a boy named Dana and if you know someone please give a shout out.

I was surprised that "Mary Angela" (combo Mary Alice and Angela) didn't so much as steal the baby as arranged a sale. You would think she would be smarter and not go somewhere that someone at the hospital had family.

It's nice to see that next season we'll have a new freak on Wisteria Lane. I did like how the show started with a death and ended with a death. Looks like season two will start will a funeral much like season one did. Maybe we'll see the kids at the funeral because seriously...

WHERE ARE THE KIDS!!! Andrew goes into this whole devil plan thing and never shows up again. We don't even see them at their father's bedside. It is sad that Rex died thinking Brie tried to kill him. I do feel like the wrong drug thing should have been figured out, like that should just be in the blood stream.

Looks like we have some good things going on for season two. I thought the cliff hangers were okay nothing that will keep me up over the summer. My biggest issue is how long will it take Paul to walk back from the coal/ice/marble mine that was last used in Superman.

Poor George!

Finally George gets some action on Grey's Anatomy, and not only does he get "The Syph" but he finds out that Alex was sleeping with the girl too. Nice to see him step up with a backbone and try and beat the crap out of Alex. Now he'll get a little 'spect.

I'm hoping over the summer they rework the opening segment of the show and make it more to the theme of what the show is all about.

Yikers on the ovary and the cheating wife. Not sure if Burke should have spilled the beans as I'm not sure it was really his place. All I know is that if this show has taught me anything it's check into the hospital for a little something and end up with a whole list of other problems.

I enjoyed the Izzie/Christina relationship.

Thought the episode was not one of the best of the season and the last five minutes wasn't all it was hyped up to be (it rarely is). I knew a woman out of Shep's past was coming and I was pretty sure it was going to be his wife. Gives us a starting point for season two.

Channel Surfing

Checked out an episode of Cold Case on CBS and Game Show Moments Gone Bananas on VH1. The first show freaked me out a little and made me want to check my closets in the house and the second made me laugh out loud. If you are channel surfing and come across the latter definitely hang out for a while as some of the game shows in England are quite funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dana Carvey... also Dana baros played in the NBA

4:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my Cappage Patch Kids was named Dana. Even at the ripe old age of 8 I realized it was weird and that he might get a complex, so I changed it to Dane. I even had my mom fill out the papers and send them to Xavier Robinson.

1:26 PM


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