Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Oh What a Night!

What a jam-packed night. Season finale overload with Lost, Alias and American Idol.

In the order that I watched them....

It's All About Freedom!

This is the theory I'm going with on Lost. All those that have been focused on this season were looking for some sort of escape, whether it be from the law, the cursed money, having to turn over their baby, their father in laws, their abusive boyfriends, their wheelchair, drugs, the clutch of a parent's scorn and so much more.

What have we learned?

  1. You can't trust the French lady...um, clearly you can't even understand her, but she may not be as crazy as she seems!
  2. Gun powder and a match on your face fixes up a deep rock scar
  3. Black smoke doesn't only mean there is no new pope yet
  4. If your character is super annoying you are going to die (Arnie/Arnst, whatever)

Things were not really resolved this week like we were fortunate enough to see this past Sunday on Desperate Housewives. We were left with more questions like:

  1. Who are "The Others?"
  2. What's in the hatch?
  3. What do they want with Walt?
  4. Will any of the "extras" be real cast members or replaced by better actors?

You knew someone was going to die at the Black Rock. Last time someone investigated an abandoned form of transportation ie the drug plane someone died. I really wanted Charlie to walk away from the Heroin. I wanted to yell out, walk away, don't do it. I like sober Charlie better.

Not sure who is crazier the French woman or Locke who plays with dynamite and tries to chase the monster.

Totally laughed out loud with Hurley running through the airport.

All in all pretty good season finale, wasn't like oh my god with the cliffhanger. Okay with where we are until next season, I've seen J.J do better, which brings me to...

Are You Kidding Me!

I thought the "where has she been for two years" ending was bad enough on Alias. But now, tonight's ending was crazy.

Spoiler Alert

Who is Michael Vaughn? Clearly he is not dead, but seriously. This is most likely the story that has been going on with Jack and Sloane and how they have been in cahoots. You have to know that Jack and Sloane are in on it and Sydney was the only one in the dark. He'll probably have some sort of amnesia and forget. Which brings me again to my point re; Santa Barbara. Sydney and Vaughn (or whoever he is) are not meant to go there...EVER!

I'm not really sure what to make of this new development. I definitely did not see it coming and I didn't anticipate the car crash. It seemed like he kept looking behind him as if someone were following them. Did he also work for SD6, is he a double agent, is APO really the CIA? I have to think it is, but really who knows. I wonder if the writers even know yet or they are just figuring it out. I'm not even sure what I would like to see out of this story. It is something that will definitely have me ponder and definitely has me thinking over the summer.

I feel as though Nadia will be sedated for a while as I hear she is not signed on for next season, if only for a few episodes. I'm very happy or I think I am happy that we are done with Rimbaldi. Again with the flooding water chasing after them and the destruction of the big ball. I hope we are also done with Sloane Clone.

I also heard that by moving Alias to Thursday's next year they are gearing up for it to be the last season. Ugh Ugh. This show won't come on again until late September at the earliest. This is so freaking frustrating...ARRRGH! So far the best cliff hanger of the television season!

Two Hours is Too Much!

Clearly I'm talking about American Idol. I probably watched it in about 45 minutes. Easily fast forward through the group songs, the recaps, the stupid skits and the boring interviews. I do have to say that I think Mikalah Gordon found her calling to be the next annoying Joan Rivers. The role suited her well.

This show really only needs to be the normal half hour. By continuing to flaunt the other idols will only hurt tour sales. They suck! And they suck worse together!

I agree with Simon that I think Latoya was drunk. It was such a shame because I really did like her when she was on the show. At first when they said Matt Rogers, I was like "who?" I don't even remember what season he was on but this role suited him well.

Tonight's show definitely showed off Paula's psycho-ness. And whereas I like the skit of making fun of Simon as a parody of Paula's situation it was like a Saturday Night Live skit that went on way to long. (Much like tonight's blog.)

Carrie's hair looks awful and I wish Simon would button up his shirt.

Two more highlights before I get to the results:

  1. Not only that David Hasselhoff made an appearance but that his "biggest fan" is the one eyed monster from The Goonies.
  2. How pissed Ford must be b/c Ryan never mentioned the type of car that was given away or that it was a Ford. What a blown marketing opportunity.

Now for the results:

Spoiler Alert

I think both were good singers and both have a career ahead of them but I think Bo is much more marketable and was much more consistent through the competition. I think he was sabotaged and got screwed with the two awful original songs which were much better suited for Carrie. Plus, why he chose Vehicle I will never know. I also think that by Simon plugging her as The American Idol it influences the votes. It's not that I don't think Carrie deserved to win I just think Bo deserved it more. Ultimately I think that the label will be sorry because I think Bo would have been better for them because people like Carrie come a dime a dozen.

What was interesting though is that I didn't hear them say (unless I fast forwarded through) how close the votes were and to me that implies that Carrie blew Bo away which surprises me.

That's all for me tonight. I have to digest all this television. Tomorrow night I'll watch this week's Everwood as well as give a little Idol wrap up on what I think they should do with the show.

One final question...WHO IS MICHAEL VAUGHN?


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