Feeding the television obsession....

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Some Real Summer Shows!

Tonight was the return of Entourage and the premier of The Comeback. At the beginning of last season I was NOT an Entourage fan. It definitely was not the Sex in the City for men, and I found the characters not at all appealing. By the end of the short summer season I did enjoy it and really started getting into the different stories.

Now for this season's premier. It definitely began where last season left off and by that I mean I was engaged and enjoyed the stories. I was sorry to see that Emily the assistant was no longer on, but was pleased to see that Vince developed a backbone and was more of a character not just a shell. I sort of enjoyed the episode enough to think it could have been longer and was surprised on how fast the half-hour went.

One side note of what I also liked. I enjoyed that the show did a recap, all shows should do that at the beginning of their season.

As someone who is married to a long-gilander it was nice to see a shout out for Eddie's Pizza. This is a favorite of my husband and his friends and I have to say they have a good pizza. I truly hope that it is in fact the place that we like so much. We'll have to follow up on that.

Now a note for the guy's reading this blog. It's such a typical guy thing to think that it is easier for a girl to hold out than a guy. Plus, to think that since you held out so long it is our obligation to blow you or period=blow job. Please wake up to reality. Oh and by the way girls do like to be wined and dined despite what television tells you.

Dr. Regina Phalange

That is one of the problems I had with The Comeback. Some people might have had a problem getting Phoebe out of their heads all I could think of was Regina Phalange. Obviously they are the same people but in my mind also very different. The voice started to become very annoying to me.

I haven't decided what I think of the show. Part of me wants to say it was horrible despite a few chuckles, but at the same time I think Lisa Kudrow played the part of a desperate has been perfectly. So maybe it will turn out that she does a good job, but I'm not that interested in the show or topic. I will certainly give it another chance to see how it all develops.

One last thought on this show, say it with me....TOOTIE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

two quick replies... entourage- every time i watch it i keep expecting something more. i keep waiting for the episode that is going to completely hook me in. there is just something shallow about the characters alomst the way sex and the city was in te beggining before they hit their stride... that said i'll tune in every week and as each episodes finishes i'll be slightly disappointed and slgihty engry tht it is only a 30 minute show... as for Comeback- yeah i don't see this one getting off the ground... trying way way too much in the first episode... i can't see lisa kudrow being strong enough to carry what is essentially a one woman show... i don't see this show having a second season... and final though... i'm so excited for six feet under it is hard to explain!

9:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Period=Blowjob. Well, of course. In fact, if you want to date and keep a man you better BJ on demand. And with enthusiasm. Do unto others, baby. Cheers.

12:42 PM


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