Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, August 08, 2005


Back from VA Beach and there is so much crappy summer TV to be watching (except SFU of course)

First it was Nate last week on Six Feet Under, now we have to see Danny lose his mom on The Real World. Clearly, one is way more traumatic for all involved than the other.

Overall I thought SFU was another strong episode. The two things I didn't like were that the hijacking guy kept coming back and that no one paid any attention to Brenda. Now I realize no one likes her, but I do feel like people other than her own mother should be consoling her. I was hoping for a big scene between her and Maggie at the gravesite, but the scene at the front door had to do. I was also expecting some sort of miscarriage, but that would have been too much for one episode. Whereas this episode was handled really well, bringing out all the key character traits in everyone there is a lot to be desired in

The Real World: Austin.

Yes, I am too old to be watching this show. Yes it is horrible, yes the characters only play to the camera and have nothing to say and yes I should almost not be allowed to write about television if I watch this show. However a few points:

On this episode (valentine's day incidentally) Danny's mother died. We already knew they had a tumultuous relationship so you knew there would be drama. It seemed to me that people in the house knew before Danny knew like the staff was given a head's up. It seemed to scripted. (except for Danny.) Plus, it seemed like people were laughing (although that is how people sometimes deal when it is uncomfortable, and awkward.) However it was like a wake up call to the other "characters" because they have been playing to the cameras, making shit up, looking at this like one big party which it is and then some real shit happened and they don't know how to deal.

I was hoping that by Danny going home to deal with the death of his mother that maybe the show would open up and we would see some other stuff with other characters, etc and leave Danny alone to his grief in private with his family. But no, it seems that MTV is going with him to invade this very personal moment in time. I'm sure it is all part of the contract, but there should be a level of decency for god sakes.

Speaking of decency...(as I say in a mocking tone)

Hooking Up

This show is still awful, but there is only one episode left. As always, let's break it down:

The Bad:

1. Who goes to Lucky Chang's as their hang out?

2. Riesha - She calls her police friend to let him know she is having a man stay over on the couch. Um, let's discuss our trust issues.

The Very Very Bad:

1. Amy - it's a good thing no one watches this show except for me, because she would never date again.

2. Sonya - I feel like if the cameras weren't on her date with her, there could have been a very after school episode (date rape) issue with her and that guy.

3. Sharpie - Who the hell puts sharpie on their skin to cover up holes in their sweater AND THEN ADMITS it on the date.

Back to the rest of my tv...there is so so much.


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