Feeding the television obsession....

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Eagle Scout My Ass!

That's all you have! So what happens now on Beauty and the Geek? My first question is why is Scarlet such a biatch? She makes Sean feel so bad, although he is an eagle scout, but still. She is just so incredibly rude and has a temper. Second question, does Sean get kicked out of the Eagle Scouts? Does he have to give all the badges back?

I do like this show but it is too convenient that it is Chuck vs. Richard. It kind of annoys me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

One Week!!

Let's discuss The Real World - Austin. This is the SECOND EPISODE and according to the characters and they are characters they have only been there ONE WEEK.

So this brings me to the best quotes of the episode by or to Melinda aka Paris Hilton Aka Jacinda from London:

From her "boyfriend:" - I can't believe how much you have changed in a week.


"I've grown so much from being here."


"I love you so much Danny (not her boyfriend, another character)"


This show is ridiculous!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dyin' on the Toilet!

Does that really happen? I guess it does on Six Feet Under. Not only is Billy crazy but I guess crazy people walk around in their underwear or bathrobes all the time. Between him and George we have a real crazy farm. It was nice to see the crazies bond over a beer while comparing their medications.

The surrogate chick totally freaks me out. I'm pretty sure that's the chick who played Jan in the Brady Bunch Movie...Marsha Marsha Marsha!!

The Asian woman from the knitting store also looked familiar to me, I couldn't quite place her.

BTW I thought that Ruth didn't know that George was getting the shock treatments again. Last week it was supposed to be kept a secret.

It was nice to see the old woman from the wedding singer getting some work again. It was also nice to see the dad, we haven't seen him in a while.

Once again I found myself pondering how fucked up the Fisher's are. I mean they really couldn't be more ridiculous and drama filled. First of all if anyone ever spoke to me the way Nate spoke to Brenda that would be the end of that. And P.S. bird flying in your house definitely a bad sign. I think it symbols death or something, which is slated to happen by the end of the season.

So now that Claire leaves Billy does he just rot in the apartment in his underwear? He's out of control.

My favorite line of the night, "They sleep right through it." There is nothing more a guy likes to hear why screwing his wife or ex-wife as the case may be that their children are used to the sound of her having sex with men.

Veronica Mars

So I checked out this show and it was okay. The problem is that they are not showing all the episodes over the summer so I have to just suck up the ones that are missed and get what I need from the "previously seen on...." We'll see if I catch up with it.

Check it Out

30 Days on FX. Saw the first two episodes and definitely found the show interesting. Tomorrow a devout Christian becomes "Muslim" for 30 days, should be interesting. So for I liked the first episode the best. Who knew that if you are poor in Columbus, Ohio you can get a whole apartment full of free furniture.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Station Agent

I think the reference to this movie was my favorite part of Entourage tonight. I thought Ari was great and was in his glory. I, of course, took personal satisfaction that he was in therapy with his wife and had a "batphone" for emergencies.

It is nice to see that his former assistant will be making an appearance next week. It was also funny to see how unslick Drama is with the ladies, particularly in the Dr.'s office.

I liked this episode although my husband felt it was too predictable, so I'm wondering what others guys thought.

So Pathetic.

I'm still not sure on my opinion on The Comeback. I find it oddly entertaining although she is just so incredibly pathetic and depressing. Part of me strongly dislikes the show but I still find myself watching it. I do think they must get rid of the hairdresser. He sort of creeps me out.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Day at the Movies....

What a fun day. Had a crazy week and was looking forward to doing nothing but a having a big bag of popcorn some soda and the big screen.

First up, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Despite the woman who brought her bored 6 year old and the altercation that ensued I enjoyed the movie. It did get a little slow at one point but if you don't have time to see it in the theatre or don't want to pay $10.75 (that's what I had to pay) rent it on video. One of the highlights...Adam Brody AKA Seth Cohen wearing a "Fight Club" T-Shirt.

Followed by Cinderella Man. This was a movie I totally enjoyed. I know no one is going because the summer is all about "popcorn" movies, but check it out. If you liked Seabiscuit you'll like this and more. Basically same story but with a guy. Downtrodden, second chances, tear jerker, underdog..you know the drill. I was literally on the edge of my seat at certain points.

Now for a little TV.

Because of my crazy week I'm still catching up, but I did see Beauty and the Geek.

First of all I find Richard so annoying and unbearable. My husband thinks he'll make a lot of money. I just think he is an overracting buffoon. I really wanted to see him go. I felt bad for Lauren. She must have felt so rejected being the last girl asked out on a "date" and then she had to go with Richard. Then on their "date" his jacket looked so awkward it was like one of those guys who showed up at a restaurant and had to wear the jacket from the coatroom.

The whole number challenge was B.S. Who gives out their number on a whim like that to random guys on the street it is absolutely ridiculous.

Again, it was shown that if you say you are confident you are going to win and start throwing out percentages you are definitely not going to win. I don't understand why the people on reality TV haven't figured this out yet.

I have to admit that Sean and the other guy who got booted looked a lot better after their make-over. I didn't see that much of a difference with Chuck or Richard.

Part of me feels like Richard's "character" is America and the other people on the show being PUNKED by Ashton.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Wax on Wax Off...

I often wonder what happened to Ralph Macchio and now because of Entourage I know. He got awkward looking, old and his nose became very pronounced. That probably was his real wife and kid just like that was most likely the real Playboy Mansion. My husband is trying to get himself in when we visit LA this summer. I'm guessing he won't make the cut, maybe he should try the monkey cages.

I know you are supposed to suspend disbelief and all that when you watch TV, but why would the studios want Vince for Aquaman that badly. I just feel like they are putting too much into the chase. Maybe that's the whole thing "Vince Chase."

E, is more styling lately which I like. He would be my choice. Ari is still as much of an ass as ever but I like when his wife shows who has the balls in the family.

Three Months Later...

So in honor of father's day I finally saw Star Wars Episode III. I have to admit I really liked it. One and Two sucked and I haven't seen 4-6 in as many years as they have been out. I think the reason I liked it so much is because I love Yoda but more importantly it just had a story that was good, involved, dark, etc. I am thinking about going to rent 4-6 since it's been so long since I have seen them to tie it all together.

So should my kids watch 1-6 or 4-6 and 1-3?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

No room for the ugly....

That's what I have to say about tonight's episode of Beauty and the Geek. I know with Karma and all that will probably bite me in the ass, but really what was she doing on the show? She was just not attractive and you knew that the ugly team was going to get das boot. PLUS, Brad had that Herpies thing going on with his lip. You know he probably got that from "lifesize barbie model."

I'm still sad about Joe, but sort of liking Chuck now. Richard is out of control and it is clearly all an act. I felt that before the elimination game all the contestants were smiling at each other like they knew the Richard team would stay.

A few questions:

1. Are the guys allowed to help during the challenge? During the rocket and the car last week it seemed they were helping in some way more than just encouragement.

2. How scary and big are Shawn's teeth?

3. How ugly is Krystal? I know we went over this just want to reiterate.

4. Those people/judges were fashion experts? Um, they could use some help.

5. What happens if both teams who won wanted to choose the same team for elimination?

6. Does Shawn get a "fashion badge" to add to his scout uniform now that he won that challenge?

Kinda like this show and I do feel like it is good for the guys' self esteem.

Also taped 30 days tonight, but I'm sleepy so will check it out tomorrow.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Still not sure if it should "comeback."

I'm still very "eh" on this show. It moves so slowly and it is entirely featured on the one character and she is so incredibly pathetic that it is hard to emphathize. I mean Larry David is pathetic but he is funny. They should definitely get rid of the hairdresser character because I just find him annoying. The best part of Sunday's episode was the "reality" shows. The one with the women trying out to be porn stars had me cracking up, probably better than half the crap that is on actual network TV.

The Challenge

How pathetic is Tonya on RR/RW Challenge? She is so stupid and so paranoid. I still can't get over the fact that these people just don't have jobs. I have to say I watched the launch episode for the new Real World starting next week. I generally am too old for this show now, but this one looks like it might have real potential, but we'll see.


That's all I have to say about the intro on tonight's Six Feet Under. First of all lets discuss Nate's kid. Why does she have to be so funny looking? She just looks like an alien. I feel really bad for George and for a second I thought that Ruth really did flip out on him. Maybe she wishes she ended up with that Russian guy after all.

The whole rico storyline was pretty funny. First of all when they were hooking up on the couch they looked like they were 14 and then it was so clear he got the brushoff and instead he becomes a stalker.

I can never get over how fucked up this show is. With David asking Claire for her eggs, and then Nate's friend saying young girls are turning him on it never ends. And you know Billy is going to go off the deep end.

Btw I'm still trying to get through the Brad Pitt interview on PrimeTime Live. I watch snippits every once in a while. It's mostly about his work in Africa, nothing juicy.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Need some more umph!

I thought that Entourage fell a little short tonight. Ari is coming across as too much of an ass and I thought the story was not that great. The only real funny part was Drama's obsession with calves and the homophobe reaction to it. I did like the guy camaraderie thing when they were rallying around E, who by the way I felt sad for. I wonder if Nicky Hilton will make an appearance. I think this episode was too "guy" for me!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

TV Catch Up

The first show of the night was Fire Me...Please. Basically the premise is that there are two individuals competing to get fired from their job to as close to 3:00pm as possible. They can't go over the designated time and they must get fired in order to win the $25,000 at stake.

The show is an hour and they show two competitions. It is kind of funny to see what people try and do to get fired but with the strategy of pacing themselves until 3:00pm. Some of them acted totally crazy and liked paced around the store whistling. One guy kept making references to the cappuccino machine being possessed by the devil and another woman in a hat story just kept trying on all the hats. The best one though was one of the contestants per her hands in her bosses armpit to try and keep them warm. The people that work in the store have no idea what is going on and just think these people are crazy. I think it would be more fun to be in this show than to watch it.

The irritating part is the laugh track and the back and forth editing. It doesn't really matter though because I'm going to be watching Veronica Mars repeats at the same time. But if you want to check it out, it's Tuesday nights at 9:00.

Poor Joe

I'm really sad to see Joe go on Beauty and the Geek. I don't feel the need to do spoiler alert because it is the summer and who is really watching this stuff! I liked this episode better than last week and I recommend it for fun summer TV.

I like the interviews with the contestants. The Barbie Doll model can't believe she fell for a nerd. Um, was this only one day so far, I mean C'mon. Plus do any of these people have real jobs, nerds included. Beer Spokesmodel, Life Size Barbie Model, Assistant Scout Master, Mensa member, I mean seriously. What's also funny is the girls all seem the same to me so I have no concept of their actual names.

Of course the biggest shocker of the evening was life size barbie's departure speech in that she realizes she is "kinda shallow." The end of the show quiz elimination is kind of tense and much more difficult than last week. Not only am I sad about Joe leaving, but shocked that we got left with the ugly girl.

A little Lax

Sorry I've been a little behind on my postings I'm inundated with graduate school work. No classes on Friday's so tomorrow night you should be getting some if not all of:

Primetime Live - Brad Pitt
Beauty and the Geek
Fire Me
Syndicated Episode of Everybody Loves Raymond

Not sure what else is on the Tivo..

Until then.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Starting Over

The theme of tonight's episode of Six Feet Under. I have to say I've been looking forward to this show for a while now and I was a little disappointed. I felt that it was a little disjointed and needs to get back in the groove. I'll forgive only in that it's the first episode after a long hiatus so you need to get a lot of stories going. One of my favorite parts was that the justice of the peace looked like the woman from Poltergeist.

Hopefully the season will get better since it's is the last one. Maybe we'll get to see Rico break up with more women over IM.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Some Real Summer Shows!

Tonight was the return of Entourage and the premier of The Comeback. At the beginning of last season I was NOT an Entourage fan. It definitely was not the Sex in the City for men, and I found the characters not at all appealing. By the end of the short summer season I did enjoy it and really started getting into the different stories.

Now for this season's premier. It definitely began where last season left off and by that I mean I was engaged and enjoyed the stories. I was sorry to see that Emily the assistant was no longer on, but was pleased to see that Vince developed a backbone and was more of a character not just a shell. I sort of enjoyed the episode enough to think it could have been longer and was surprised on how fast the half-hour went.

One side note of what I also liked. I enjoyed that the show did a recap, all shows should do that at the beginning of their season.

As someone who is married to a long-gilander it was nice to see a shout out for Eddie's Pizza. This is a favorite of my husband and his friends and I have to say they have a good pizza. I truly hope that it is in fact the place that we like so much. We'll have to follow up on that.

Now a note for the guy's reading this blog. It's such a typical guy thing to think that it is easier for a girl to hold out than a guy. Plus, to think that since you held out so long it is our obligation to blow you or period=blow job. Please wake up to reality. Oh and by the way girls do like to be wined and dined despite what television tells you.

Dr. Regina Phalange

That is one of the problems I had with The Comeback. Some people might have had a problem getting Phoebe out of their heads all I could think of was Regina Phalange. Obviously they are the same people but in my mind also very different. The voice started to become very annoying to me.

I haven't decided what I think of the show. Part of me wants to say it was horrible despite a few chuckles, but at the same time I think Lisa Kudrow played the part of a desperate has been perfectly. So maybe it will turn out that she does a good job, but I'm not that interested in the show or topic. I will certainly give it another chance to see how it all develops.

One last thought on this show, say it with me....TOOTIE!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

One Hit Wonder

Or as NBC calls it Hit me Baby One More Time. So basically this show is American Idol with "real" singers. They are taking people who had a hit or were big but are now nothing and having them sing their most popular song as well as a song that is now popular by another artist. At the end of the show the studio audience votes for the winner and that person gets money which goes to charity.

Tonight's episode has Tiffany, Flock of Seagulls and more. I think a later episode has Vanilla Ice.

It's an awful show, but I'm slightly intrigued. I wish that I was watching on TiVo so I can fast forward. The best part is seeing how much these people have aged and they have gotten fat. I have to say that the singers on American Idol are much better. This is like the outtake show of American Idol. You definitely feel sorry for these people and sort of feel that the money should go to them and not charity because they must be hard up if they are doing this show.

My one question is why on summer TV reality shows does the lighting seem all screwy and different and the hosts seems more annoying and odd than during the regular season?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beauty and the Geek

Took a break from studying tonight to check this show out. The premise is basically 7 "geeks" and 7 "dumb as shit pretty girls" where some aren't pretty. They are paired up in teams and have challenges where the dumb girls try and learn stuff like tattoo is spelled with two "t's" in the middle and the guys learn how to dance.

The guys are not all as dorky as the stereotype with the exception of one who is the "white urkel." Oh and there is the guy whose profession is listed as the V.P. of the Dukes of Hazzard Club. And there is one guy who gets bloody noses because he is nervous and stressed.

There are some definite funny moments. One girl thought Massachusetts was the state that is east of W. Virginia. There are some other moments like that which cause a few chuckles.

Wednesday's at 8pm. The WB. Check it out if you are around.