Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, October 31, 2005

Best Episode Yet

Grey's Anatomy could be the best show on television. How is it that ER has been on TV for 100 years and they consistently repeat storylines (yet I still watch) and this show comes up with something fresh that I have never seen before?!

Not only was this a heart wrenching episode but the acting was fantastic. I found myself almost crying during the surgery to remove the pole stuck between two people. It was nice to see Abby from Dawson's Creek get a great role as a woman stuck to a man with a pole through her and keep her good humor and chirpiness.

In addition to the intensity of the episode I think this is one of the only shows that could have make it funny and not gross/inappropriate etc of a character running around to find someone's missing clean cut leg only to continually bring back the wrong one.

It seems that Alex will be getting his Mojo back in a way that was very sleazy. I guess that is his Mojo. I like that this show is not predictable or over the top. I like that "abby" died and they couldn't save both patients, I like that the pregnant woman were just best friends and not lovers and that their children were siblings and I like that Dr. McDreamy didn't pick Meredith (although that was predictable.)

Of course one of the best moments was Christina yelling at "her boyfriend" to help her find the leg b/c that is what boyfriends do.

Great episode, Great show and I didn't even miss Desperate Housewives.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's Not Just the Places

It's the people too on Amazing Race. I have to admit when the "Bickersons" mom said, "finally out of the country," she couldn't have said it better. However the people still don't bring a lot to the table.

This show should be called hurry up and wait. Now I know it's a race and you feel the need to rush, but you have to realize that at 1:30 in the morning no plane is going to Panama and nothing in Panama is going to be open.

Favorite/Most Ridiculous Quotes of the Night:

  1. I may be bossy, but my ideas are the best!
  2. Let's roll donkey (to bus driver)

Favorite Moments

  1. Woman taking the bus to work!
  2. The "scientist" trying to get his 1 minutes of fame by giving the clue but getting cut off
  3. "Bickerson" mom and son

I have to admit I got caught up in the mom/son melodrama. First of all it was nice to see the dad finally speak and he seemed so nice. Heartbreaking to see the mom just want a little love from the son and I have to admit a little choked up when they jumped, and he kissed her. Then on the mat he was happy he jumped with the mom. Hopefully now they will get along a little better, but I doubt it. (Maybe I'm rooting for them a little.)

The people with the "best" strategy, the family with kids. All this is about at this point is just not being last. They don't always have to be first and it is such a good way to set the kids up because then they are not being disappointed constantly. The kids are funny too. ALthough I have to admit have they learned nothing from Rob and Amber. If you get to the FF and someone else is there just leave. If they see you they are going to do it no matter what. By you being there you are saying you have to do it or you'll lose. The second they got there they should have left and gone to do the other things.

Most Ridiculous Moment of the Night - The fielding on the baseball field. Did you see that guy not even put his mitt on the ground to get the ball from the weaver kid. It was a mockery and clear he was flubbing it.

Overall, best episode this season...although not saying much!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Only Happens to You

Julie summed it up best on Desperate Housewives, "this kind of stuff only happens to you (Susan)." This is true. She is always the victim, always has the slapstick (wrestling with the agent), always has the same storyline. At first I was happy because finally we were going to see a more dimensional side of Susan. She is an author/illustrator, she does work and we NEVER go into that world. Finally a glimpse passed the men obsession, jealous of edie, falling into the bushes Susan. But even that ended up a dissapointing, Susan is always a victim storyline. For god sakes, give her something more.

By far the best actress/performance this season is Bree. I thought she was going to go all Melrose (Kimberly) on us with her neck throbbing at the cemetary and mabye take off her hair again...I'm still recovering.

Second time we saw the group of them together this season. Need more of that less of five mini-shows.

One of my favorite parts in this episode and there may have only been two was the prison group therapy scene. Not so much Gabrielle and Carlos, but the other group members. Although I did like Gabrielle's line about hitting the abused woman.

The Lynette storyline was okay and usually I like her the best. Just too unrealistic in that who starts bringing her boss presents to try and get her to relax? Although I did like the fact that her boss bribed her to go to the bar.

Finally the mystery in the basement. I'm somewhat intrigued, although not really, but atleast we got a few more answers.

Overall this episode was FINE. Mostly boring. A few chuckels, sick of the Zach storyline, the poisening storyline and the pharmacist storyline. Looks like I'll be bored for a while. Maybe I need more sitcoms.


Definitely one of the top shows on television. Grey's Anatomy. First of all I love that Dr. Bailey is married and has been for 10 years. I liked that she got dressed up, I liked that she looked so happy and I liked that she has a life outside of the hospital.

I was hoping that Meredith found out about her mother and the chief, but that is probably in due time. She has too much going on in her life now.

Yeah for George, love him. Maybe now with his new found confidence he'll bust his move.

Never did find out what Alex's problem was, but it is clear that he is a choker. Maybe he just didn't know what to do given the whole failing of that exam. Despite his bravado he clearly has confidence issues.

I do think that Dr. McDreamy made a good point about his marriage and taking time to think about it. But now Meredith put it all out there, that's going to be an awkward working relationship. I see lots of tequila in Meredith's future.

As for the cases. Loved the porn guy, interested in the Hmong shamen, but not sure if there should be fire in the hospital room and once again George and Alex in the elevator was great.

Seriously...love this show!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Jin Speaks English...

Since no mysteries are ever solved on Lost, I decided to start keeping track of all of the english words that Jin speaks with the anticipation that he will speak english by the end of the season or the end of the series, whichever. This is one "mystery" that can be solved.

English Words Jin Speaks:

  • Fish
  • Walt
  • Port
  • No
  • Michael
  • Others
  • Yes
  • You
  • You go back
  • I go
  • You find Walt

Feel free to add to the list.

Overall I thought Wed. episode was good. I didn't feel like I was in a holding pattern because the back of the planers (backers) had to find the front of the planers (fronters) and so something was happening. Plus Michael is trying to find Walt and we did see the legs of (dirty) of "The Others.) So even though nothing was solved, (as usual) it seems that things are getting set up FOR THREE WEEKS FROM NOW.

I mean c'mon. This isn't Fox. There is no World Series. This is just annoying. I guess I'll watch VM in the living room rather than the bedroom.

(SIDE NOTE: The kid from Everybody Hates Chris is on Ellen right now. I wish I watched that show, just too many conflicts. Hopefully they'll show it over the summer or move it also to another week.)

Anyway, back to Lost. I think this was the first time Jack mentioned to anyone on the Island that he was married. Plus it is still not clear if he is divorced or she died. Keeping in the sock drawer makes me believe that their divorced. Like if she died maybe he would still be wearing it.

My favorite part of the entire episode was the conversation between Sun and Hurley. Best lines:

  • Seoul-is that in the good Korea or the bad Korea?
  • Dude

Lastly, has everyone noticed that Jin STILL wears that handcuff? I never noticed it before wed. episode. Plus Anna-Lucia, way to bossy for me. She treats these people like hostages.

Now I have three weeks to figure out all the mysteries and try and convince my husband not to give up the show in pure nothing is being answered frustration.

My Security Questions

Yikers with Alias. I really need to rethink my security questions. Usually I go with "the name of my high school," or if I am feeling really sneaky "what is my favorite color. Did you check out those questions that were asked to access the bank account. I mean what was that!

This to me, was the best episode of the season action wise. I felt that I knew what was going on, it was back to old school and there were a few good Marshall interactions, awkwardness.

Not sure what that guy said to Sloane to get him out or what was offered. I rewound my TiVo a few times, but I couldn't make sense of it. I also don't understand when you don't get legal counseling. That's America for you.

Aack with the car drop. You know she should go see that CIA doctor, because that can't be good for the baby.

I got to get myself one of those pairs of dice, baby needs a new pair of shoes.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Wallace has a Brother?

I know the big news on Veronica Mars is that that dude is Wallace's father, but you had to see that coming. I didn't realize that Wallace had a brother. Not that it makes a difference, just who knew!

So it seems that VM is going a little bit Alias with the mother/girlfriend having a different identity. This will definitely blow up and potentially hurt Keith's run for Sheriff and most likely ruin the relationship with between Wallace and the new girl. Who I wonder if she is connected to all this in some way or is simply the new girlfriend.

I feel like there are a lot of mysteries going on this year, much more than last year. Now we have Duncan hanging out at the hospital everyday. This relationship is just not going to last. Once Logan gets over himself and his anger I'm sure we'll be seeing him and VM back together.

VM and Duncan also can't stay together because this whole computer secret thing is going to blow up. Also I feel like the Meg sister thing is bizzare as well and I feel like there is a set-up. By the way how did Meg's parents know about Veronica and the bus. Why put blame on her. That's weird to me.

The mystery of who set up Logan and killed Weavil's friend is that just done with or is it tied into the whole bus thing. I figured it's all tied in, but it just hasn't been mentioned in a while.

So next year does Veronica go to Stanford or some made up California college near home so she can continue to be a detective?

Where's Lost?

My husband went off last night to watch baseball and hockey so I promised I would wait until we watched "The 10,000 dollar question(s)." See what a good wife I am! Therefore I caught up with My Name is Earl and all I have to say is...."I don't care if she speaks Chinese, Vietnamese or Chucky Cheese...."

This show is pretty funny and anytime Giovanni Ribisi plays a part I don't feel like he is a celebrity guest star just a funny addition.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Amazingly Boring Race...

How do you make a great reality program boring...add families who are not very interesting. That's the story on The Amazing Race. Nothing interesting is happening with the exception of learning that our country is EXTREMLY white trash. I mean...the BIGGEST office chair. This is a tourist attraction. I mean who built that, who cares!

I don't understand why the families have SO much stuff. It just seems like it will bog them down, and I'm still not clear on the rules of when you have to drag stuff with you and when you can leave it in the car.

Despite the boringness of the episode there is nothing like seeing a 9 year old and 12 year old with a double blade saw and a face mask trying to saw. I'm not sure why the parents didn't think they could do it at the beginning.

Spoiler Alert

I was happy though that the tykes didn't get the boot. I wasn't in the mood to see them cry and was much happier to see the chauvenist dad get kicked off. Serves him right for never listeing. It is true that 1 minutes makes all the difference.

Hopefully next week will get interesting. They are finally leaving the country. I've had it with this one. I need some lost in translation, unfriendly tourists and waiting in train stations for the one overcrowded train until 3am. Hopefully all this will happen.

Oh and by the way Lake Pontchartrain NOT one of the Great Lakes.

Changing it's Image

With the exception of The Amazing Race, and Survivor I always thought that CBS was meant for the eldery. Between Murder She Wrote and Judging Amy I just didn't see the network reaching out to me. Now maybe it's because I have gotten older (I did just turn THIRTY) or their programming is just better.

After visiting LA this past summer and checking out a taping of King of Queens. I added it to my TiVo and have started watching it on Monday nights. (There is not much else on at this hour.) I have to say it is pretty funny. Now last night's episode wasn't awesome but I've definitely seen a few good ones. I can see this show going the way of Raymond and Doug/Carrie just argue all the time, but I really like Jerry Stiller and the supporting cast gets some good lines. Last night the dog walker left the show, but seeing the ratings of her new show it seems she'll be back pretty soon.

The other Monday night show How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) also a good Monday night watch. I am really starting to get into all the characters and enjoy the tempo of the show. Last night's episode when Barney was grinding his cousin was classic only because it wasn't predictable. Additionally, the fact that the viewer had to read subtitles during the club scene was just plain funny. Not sure how this show sustains viewership after a year (we'll finally meet the mother, some dating stories, but that's that), but I'm definiately willing to find out. I really feel like the cast is gelling together and has good chemistry. Alison Hannigan is a little sex/bandcampy but it's all good. Nothing really beats sneaking out of your own boring party to go find your fiance and ultimately dance/drink and have a good time. Who hasn't felt that they needed to grow up a little only to realize it is more fun just doing what you want and having fun.

Now a lot of people say that Kitchen Confidential on Fox is better than HIMYM and all I have to say to them is TiVo. Watch one, tape one...DONE. Also in case you haven't noticed we are in the middle of snoozetober--I mean "championship" baseball so use this time wisely and check out CBS whose new tagline should be...Not for the elderly anymore! (If you need proof notice they don't even have a "token old couple" on Amazing Race!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Picking Up the Pace

After what I deemed to be a slow start I enjoyed last night's episode of Desperate Housewives. I don't think it was awesome and there were times I was a little bored, but overall I enjoyed it.

Not sure why all the prisoners had sticks, but I still thought it was funny that they attacked the lawyer. I liked that Andrew was back in the picture despite being sick of the George story and the poisoning Rex storyline will be back next week. I hope we see more of Andrew in the future and we get to the bottom of what he was telling the priest back last season.

It was also nice to see some of the women back together again. For the most part they have all been solo stories, but for a brief moment we saw three of them share a glass of wine, which was suspect with Gabrielle being pregnant.

I also liked that Susan kept the information about Zach to herself. Normally should would be falling all over herself in annoying fashion and I actually thought it was good to see a serious, protective side of her.

Lastly, as always I enjoyed Lynette's storyline the best. The jealousy over the imaginary nanny was great, but not as awesome as the "friend" getting run over by the garbage truck. As usual, Lynette's character is the most relatable.


I think between Marshall on Alias and George on Desperate Housewives ABC has some of the funniest male characters on television. This show over the last two episodes has been great. I feel like the characters have a great dynamic and the story lines just keep moving.

I have to admit I'm not sure why Ellis Grey is even in the hospital, but it definitely is opening up a bunch of different things. Clearly saw the her and the chief thing coming, but I'm okay with that. It will be too much if he is Meredith's father, but other than that an interesting twist.

I am also not sure why Christina's mom was there other than to push the mother storylines. However it was nice to see Christina finally breakdown, but I hope that doesn't mean everything will be perfect with her and her man though.

Just as it was nice to see Christina breakdown it was also nice to see a softer side of Dr. Bailey. It's great to see strong women on television, but everyone has emotions and bad days and it's important to see "Characters" be "Human" and not so one dimensional.

Lastly, I hope it doesn't go on too long, but I do love the dynamic between Dr. McDreamy and the two women.

Friday, October 14, 2005

All Too Familiar....

A show about a female agent, working for a terrorist organization who thinks she is working for the CIA, but in fact is not. Sounds like such a good show, but I feel like I have seen it before..OH I HAVE...season one of Alias!

Looks like we may have run out of storylines.

It's not that I didn't like this episode, but letting Arvin Sloane out (again where is Arvin Clone?) of jail, unescorted (he'll probably escape), I've just seen it before.

I liked that Sydney II was a computer geek and we got some great Marshall time. I definitely feel she should have had her own cubicle, because who really likes working at a table like that with everyone all in your space.

I almost feel like I need to give up the show because It's not really wowing me. However it is the last season so you have to see it through. Hopefully it will get better. I hear we'll be seeing Sark soon so hopefully that will get things going.

Sad to say, but this was a disappointing JJ week.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rose is Right

It's been a busy time between the jewish holidays, my brother's wedding, the never ending rain in New York so I have fallen behind on my television. I'm three weeks behind on Boston Legal, still haven't seen the last episode of Reunion before the break and I won't get to Grey's Anatomy and Veronica Mars until this weekend.

However I can always find time to watch Lost.

I have to say this wasn't my favorite episode. I feel like we are in a holding pattern introducing new characters and new storylines until we pick up momentum again. I'm wondering if all 6 hatches are on the island or this island has one of 6 that are spread out. I think they are all on this island but who knows.

I was also disappointed about Jin not really speaking english and Hurley's storyline. Yes, it was sad that his friend clearly dumped him or treated him differently after finding out about the money but that's not a new story. The part of that back story I liked the most was when Hurley asked that girl out. And I was sad to see his mother be so mean to him.

I think the problem that I am having is that I don't feel like everyone is together. It's difficult to explain, but I feel we are just focusing on one or two people and I got a little bored.

I did like that we found out that Rose was right and her husband is still alive. Plus he always brings me back to my Growing Pains days. It will definitely be interesting when the back of the plane people get integrated with the rest of the plane. It seems that they have turned into savages of sorts and I'm not so sure they will fit in. I'm hoping that the Others really do appear next week and that they are the people running the experiment. I think they have to give the viewers a little more than they are. I understand being bored every once in a while but don't let it continue.

Friday, October 07, 2005

How Does J.J. Do It?

J.J. Abrams must walk around with a headache all day trying to keep the mysteries of Lost and Alias a secret. How does he not get confused. Although maybe Prophet Five is really "The Others" and the guy in the box that is being freeze dried is Calvin.

Anyway, as you might be able to tell I still don't know what Prophet Five is and if someone could explain it that would just be dandy. I guess it really doesn't matter, because it is all about Sydney just going after the people that killed her Fiance, sound like season one anyone?

I can't imagine Sydney hanging out with that chemical is that good for the baby, and I'll be annoyed if that dude had a parachute as he "Killed" himself off the plane. Although I can't imagine a firefight with guns on an airplane is all that good either.

I'm sad for Sydney because all her friends are leaving and she is stuck with new people. I'm not convinced Dixon is here to stay either.

Overall, ok episode. Somewhat back to basics, a little repetitive, although I always like Marshall and it's nice to see the Stealth bomber getting some good use.

Bright Stole the Show

First and foremost Everwood was waaay better than last week. It was back to it's normal showing with relationship anxiety, family feuds and Bright blunders. He stole all the good lines for the night. Now that the first episode was dedicated to Irv and Edna I'm sure we won't see them for a bunch of episodes. I thing Harold needs to take a break as well. He is getting on my nerves and his character is becoming a charactacure.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Where's Jeff Goldblum?

I feel like he should show up any minute now on Lost given they are in Jurassic Park. I mean we have some crazy experiment, some crazy island, animals with logos on them and now polar bears that are also in the "orientation" video.

This was just a chock full episode where I didn't really know what was going on at any given point and was only left with questions.

  • What happens to Helen? Locke makes the phone sex operator use that name.
  • What happened to Jack's wife? Did she die?
  • Where was DEsMONd going? Why did he not think it was weird that he knew Jack?
  • When are we going to find out how Locke ended up in the wheelchair?
  • When will the heroin addiction begin?

It seems to me that the captors are not the "others" and just the others on the plane. What is really interesting is that it seems they have become savages of some sort and have a very different experience than the front of the plane. It will be an interesting dynamic of how people dealt with their situation.

I believe that that big scary dude is Rose's husband. Although I had imagined him as an old tiny man, it doesn't seem that way from what I've read. It's funny that Sawyer, the guy with one arm, gets the job of trying to climb out of the hole.

Some theories rolling around have "the others" as the people running the experiment and if you go back and look at the people on the boat they look like some of the people in the video. I'm not convinced just yet. Although that would make some interesting sense.

Of course the shocker...JIN SPEAKS ENGLISH...and there was no accent. hmmmmmmmm. Maybe next week we'll get some answers...probably not. Although I'm looking for some revolt once the word of food gets out.

Monday, October 03, 2005

What a letdown!

After last week's episode of Desperate Housewives I was all excited for this new season. After last night I was pretty disappointed. With the exception of the mystery of what's in the basement I thought the show was slow, a little boring and the storylines slightly repetitive.

Gabrielle/Carlos relationship is getting annoying. Stop bickering, just get divorced. Carlos seemed whiny at first and the storyline of him getting beat up in prison was stale. Better than if someone tried to pick him up, but still stale.

I'm tired of Susan being such a victim and the inappropriate relationship with her daughter always bothers me. She just shouldn't tell her everything.

I did like the Lynette/Tom seen in the bed, but I think it went overboard with the rat. I mean what mother would let a rat loose in their house? I know you suspend belief and all that, but I think for a lot of people Lynette is the most relatable character and this was ridiculous.

Bree. After last weeks awesome performance I could only be let down. I do wonder who owns so many black clothes and the slapping of the mother in law was pretty funny. What happened to the kids? I also feel the insurance investigation is going to irritate me.

Hopefully next week picks up.

On the other Hand.

I enjoyed Grey's Anatomy. Last week I wasn't as impressed as a lot of other people. I enjoyed the dynamics and the story lines tonight. For some reason George looked older/and taller tonight.

The whole judy doll thing was weird and funny. Also funny because there was an issue with Judy dolls last year on Curb Your Enthusiasm. I'm intrigued by Addison making a play for Dr. Shepard and the previews for next week had me intrigued.

Clearly there is going to be a little romance between Alex and the blond girl and the awkwardness between Olivia and George was great. Although the best scene for me when was the women ganged up on George at lunch and tried to speak for all women everywhere.

Not Caught Up

I'm not quite there with all my tv last week (blame it on waiting for my husband to be around so he could watch with me since he's addicted now too.) I did catch My Name is Earl and have to say the second episode (maybe it was the third) was truly funny. I definitely laughed out loud a few times and found myself really liking the brother.

Another Show Cut from the Fall Season

I just read that Martha Stewart : Apprentice, is moving to 9pm on Wed. against Lost and Veronica Mars. This means it gets dropped from my lineup. I wasn't invested yet anyway, and it looks like it may not even make it through the season. Oh well!