Feeding the television obsession....

Monday, May 30, 2005

Summer Rotation

This is what I'm thinking:

Beauty and the Geek (Wednesday's at 8pm WB) - Now I know it seems ridiculous, but it is getting some pretty hilarious reviews so we'll see. Definitely need to check it out.

The Comeback (Sunday's at 9:30pm HBO) - Lisa Kudrow, got to see what it's all about.

Entourage (Sunday's at 9pm HBO) - Started off not liking this show, but it's grown on me.

Six Feet Under (Monday's at 9pm HBO) - LOVE this show even though it is totally fucked up. This is the last season so definitely need to be tuning in.

Plus, I am thinking about checking out Veronica Mars. It has received great reviews and I heard they are going to be showing the season over again starting mid-June. Of course I'm also finishing up RR/RW Challenge.

I'm sure there will be other things, but this is high level. Also need to start working out the fall schedule since they are shoving a bunch of stuff up against each other and it is going to require some videotaping finesse.

One last thought..WHO IS MICHAEL VAUGHN?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Weekend Movies

Rented In Good Company Friday night. Thought it was enjoyable. Definitely a good renter and not entirely what I thought it would be. Good story and I always enjoy Dennis Quaid. I also like Topher Grace, but I'm a little sad he is going to be joining the big blockbusters of the world. B+.

Also checked out Mad Hot Ballroom. Premise was really good and I was really excited to see the movie, but I thought it felt a little flat. It definitely went on too long and didn't have the same type of character development that Spellbound did. I also thought it was slow at points and to me, by the end, it was obvious who was the winner. Whereas with Spellbound I was more on the edge of my seat. Given the price of movies these days I wouldn't run out to see it and just wait for it to hit the smaller screen. There definitely were parts that I liked and once the competition got going I was more into it, but again just okay and disappointing given my expectations. C+/B-.

Looking forward to Cinderella Man next weekend and may be going to see Madagascar with my brother on Monday, but not sure yet.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Maybe It's Gas....

That was my favorite line in the season finale of Everwood. For those of you that missed it, Bright's line was "Maybe I like her, maybe it's gas."

Pretty good episode and I like the season ender/cliff hanger of the love triangle. I do believe it is selfish of Andy Brown to lay his feelings on the line with Nina moving in with Jake.

It seems that by not showing any kids when you finally do show them they look so much older. I thought Sam was still like 4 and Delia looked like a teenager.

Seems that with the explosive hits of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy Everwood has given up the voice over and with that Irv and Edna. Who get as much, if not less screen time, than the homeless guy in Andy's office.

I never thought about how there are changing tables in men's restrooms. I mean it makes sense but I just never thought about it.

It was clear many many episodes ago that Amy wasn't going to go to Princeton, so it was not at all a surprise to see her throw that application into the trash.

Well, the 2004-2005 television season is officially over for me. It's a good thing I have a summer line-up. I'll write more about that over the weekend

Thursday, May 26, 2005

AI Wrap-Up

I didn't get a chance to watch Everwood tonight so I'll have to focus my attention on American Idol final thoughts.

Results Show
I realize that Fox gets the high ratings with the results show but what I think they should do is use the results show to garner attention/ratings for other shows that they want to promote. So for example, I am not a watcher, but they are continually trying to get a fan base for Arrested Development. One week put the results as one of the commercial breaks and people will have to tune in, another week do it with House, etc. This way the public is forced to watch some new show on Fox and Fox can build out and promote their schedule. Although with shows like Life as a Stick, Stacked and The Simple Life maybe they need the results show to be its own entity.

I believe that what AI needs is a regular person judge like me or you. In addition to the other judges. In essence we are the ones that are voting (although I don't actually vote) and we are the ones that are hearing what we want to hear and are "regular" people. Therefore I think the public would want to hear what a "normal" person has to say. Someone that is not in the music biz or musically trained.

For next season I think they should take the top four from each season and do an AI all-star. I think it would garner crazy ratings and be a huge hit. Who is THE American Idol?

I would like to see, and I've said this before, the judges pick a contestant who is mediocre who the public could be convinced is actually good. The judges would go hard to the hoop in love with this person to see if they would win. I say at least top four.

Original Song

I think almost all the final original songs are not that good. Give the finalists something good to sing that fits there musical style and shows them off.

One last time until January...Edelson Out!

Oh What a Night!

What a jam-packed night. Season finale overload with Lost, Alias and American Idol.

In the order that I watched them....

It's All About Freedom!

This is the theory I'm going with on Lost. All those that have been focused on this season were looking for some sort of escape, whether it be from the law, the cursed money, having to turn over their baby, their father in laws, their abusive boyfriends, their wheelchair, drugs, the clutch of a parent's scorn and so much more.

What have we learned?

  1. You can't trust the French lady...um, clearly you can't even understand her, but she may not be as crazy as she seems!
  2. Gun powder and a match on your face fixes up a deep rock scar
  3. Black smoke doesn't only mean there is no new pope yet
  4. If your character is super annoying you are going to die (Arnie/Arnst, whatever)

Things were not really resolved this week like we were fortunate enough to see this past Sunday on Desperate Housewives. We were left with more questions like:

  1. Who are "The Others?"
  2. What's in the hatch?
  3. What do they want with Walt?
  4. Will any of the "extras" be real cast members or replaced by better actors?

You knew someone was going to die at the Black Rock. Last time someone investigated an abandoned form of transportation ie the drug plane someone died. I really wanted Charlie to walk away from the Heroin. I wanted to yell out, walk away, don't do it. I like sober Charlie better.

Not sure who is crazier the French woman or Locke who plays with dynamite and tries to chase the monster.

Totally laughed out loud with Hurley running through the airport.

All in all pretty good season finale, wasn't like oh my god with the cliffhanger. Okay with where we are until next season, I've seen J.J do better, which brings me to...

Are You Kidding Me!

I thought the "where has she been for two years" ending was bad enough on Alias. But now, tonight's ending was crazy.

Spoiler Alert

Who is Michael Vaughn? Clearly he is not dead, but seriously. This is most likely the story that has been going on with Jack and Sloane and how they have been in cahoots. You have to know that Jack and Sloane are in on it and Sydney was the only one in the dark. He'll probably have some sort of amnesia and forget. Which brings me again to my point re; Santa Barbara. Sydney and Vaughn (or whoever he is) are not meant to go there...EVER!

I'm not really sure what to make of this new development. I definitely did not see it coming and I didn't anticipate the car crash. It seemed like he kept looking behind him as if someone were following them. Did he also work for SD6, is he a double agent, is APO really the CIA? I have to think it is, but really who knows. I wonder if the writers even know yet or they are just figuring it out. I'm not even sure what I would like to see out of this story. It is something that will definitely have me ponder and definitely has me thinking over the summer.

I feel as though Nadia will be sedated for a while as I hear she is not signed on for next season, if only for a few episodes. I'm very happy or I think I am happy that we are done with Rimbaldi. Again with the flooding water chasing after them and the destruction of the big ball. I hope we are also done with Sloane Clone.

I also heard that by moving Alias to Thursday's next year they are gearing up for it to be the last season. Ugh Ugh. This show won't come on again until late September at the earliest. This is so freaking frustrating...ARRRGH! So far the best cliff hanger of the television season!

Two Hours is Too Much!

Clearly I'm talking about American Idol. I probably watched it in about 45 minutes. Easily fast forward through the group songs, the recaps, the stupid skits and the boring interviews. I do have to say that I think Mikalah Gordon found her calling to be the next annoying Joan Rivers. The role suited her well.

This show really only needs to be the normal half hour. By continuing to flaunt the other idols will only hurt tour sales. They suck! And they suck worse together!

I agree with Simon that I think Latoya was drunk. It was such a shame because I really did like her when she was on the show. At first when they said Matt Rogers, I was like "who?" I don't even remember what season he was on but this role suited him well.

Tonight's show definitely showed off Paula's psycho-ness. And whereas I like the skit of making fun of Simon as a parody of Paula's situation it was like a Saturday Night Live skit that went on way to long. (Much like tonight's blog.)

Carrie's hair looks awful and I wish Simon would button up his shirt.

Two more highlights before I get to the results:

  1. Not only that David Hasselhoff made an appearance but that his "biggest fan" is the one eyed monster from The Goonies.
  2. How pissed Ford must be b/c Ryan never mentioned the type of car that was given away or that it was a Ford. What a blown marketing opportunity.

Now for the results:

Spoiler Alert

I think both were good singers and both have a career ahead of them but I think Bo is much more marketable and was much more consistent through the competition. I think he was sabotaged and got screwed with the two awful original songs which were much better suited for Carrie. Plus, why he chose Vehicle I will never know. I also think that by Simon plugging her as The American Idol it influences the votes. It's not that I don't think Carrie deserved to win I just think Bo deserved it more. Ultimately I think that the label will be sorry because I think Bo would have been better for them because people like Carrie come a dime a dozen.

What was interesting though is that I didn't hear them say (unless I fast forwarded through) how close the votes were and to me that implies that Carrie blew Bo away which surprises me.

That's all for me tonight. I have to digest all this television. Tomorrow night I'll watch this week's Everwood as well as give a little Idol wrap up on what I think they should do with the show.

One final question...WHO IS MICHAEL VAUGHN?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Tear Was Shed....

I don't like to admit it, but I actually got welled up a little bit when watching Rob and Amber Get Married. Yes, Rob and his friends are a bit thugish and he can barely speak English. And yes, all his friends do is drink and they were probably drunk for the entire month of planning. But there is something endearing about them as a couple and I really feel like they love each other.

I was surprised that Rob put together his own vows as I wasn't sure he could write, but they were heartfelt and honest. Seeing him in a home design store was almost as funny as watching his friends put together the house. Given the keg I would check over everything to make sure it's all stable before I go jumping into that canopy bed.

There were a few classic one liners like Rob saying he liked the wedding planner, but didn't "like like him." The gay couple from Amazing Race would have been proud of the elaborate shi-shi -ness of the wedding and that Rob is not the Neanderthal they thought him to be.

I do wonder what Rob and Amber are going to do in Florida. In fact I never knew what she did before she won the million. I'm sure this is not the last we'll see of them, but I can definitely use a break.

One last note on this wedding. I have to admit everytime Rob kissed someone it did make me chuckle a bit as that seemed the anti-rob. I mean this is the guy who drove past the brothers when they turned over their jeep. Now he's kissing guys on the cheek left and right. Just didn't seem right.

Read below on more Tuesday night television....

A Night of Musak...

The night started with the Sarah McLachlan concert at The Garden. If you are in the city and having nothing to do Wednesday night and are TiVoing the Lost and Alias season finales I would say stop by, buy some tix and check it out. It was a really good concert and she is a great performer. Sang a lot of favorites and some new stuff too. Even the opening band had some good stuff....

All Dressed Up and Ready to Play

It's the big finale of American Idol. Simon wore a jacket over his t-shirt, Bo clearly got his beard trimmed, locks straightened and a facial. This is serious! Although on that first song he looked like a cross between John Lennon, Willie Nelson and Jesus. He really is trying to reach out to everyone.

First off the songs. I thought both songs the contestants chose were bad choices and that they both had sung better songs during the season. Bo needs to put the mike stand down once in a while. It's like his security blanket.

As for the original songs..Ugh. The Long Long Road was a Long Long Song. I found it so incredibly boring and whereas I thought Bo sang it much worse than Carrie it still wasn't good. As for the other one, Bo sang it much better but I still didn't like the song.

Not sure who to call this one for. I feel like America could vote for Carrie thinking Bo will definitely get the contract no matter what. Even though I think Bo is much more marketable and versatile I think Simon is usually right on these things and he is pushing Carrie. I think she has the slight edge. Until tomorrow....

Monday, May 23, 2005

What Happened to the Matinee?

Went to the movies this afternoon to see The Interpreter. It was the first showing and the cost...$10.75! I could hardly believe it, it just seems so ridiculous. You keep reading about how the movie season is sluggish well maybe because it is so freakin' expensive to see a movie. You can rent like 3 movies from NetFlix, do On Demand or just watch HBO.

Of course given the expense of the movie I had to sneak into another as well. Okay, if I'm being honest I always do the sneak, but I like to try and justify it. So I caught a showing of Monster-in-Law. Not as bad as you would think but clearly don't be paying for this movie. If it comes on HBO and there is really nothing else on it is midly entertaining and I even laughed out loud a few times.

As for The Interpreter it was okay. It was a little disjointed and slow at times but I had wanted to see if for a while so I was satisfied. I would say given the price of movies either time it to go along with Crash and sneak in or just save your money for Crash.

Movies I'm still looking forward to seeing are; Cinderella Man, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Mad Hot Ballroom, Madagascar and a bunch more. Scheduled to see Star Wars with my dad in the next few weeks. Hopefully he'll pay!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Beginning of a Sad Week....

So this is it, the last week of the 2004-2005 television season. Let's all take a moment to reflect on what a good fun year it's been. To kick off the week there was some closure on Desperate Housewives except that Zana looked Chinese as an infant and two scenes later was an entirely different baby. I still have never heard of a boy named Dana and if you know someone please give a shout out.

I was surprised that "Mary Angela" (combo Mary Alice and Angela) didn't so much as steal the baby as arranged a sale. You would think she would be smarter and not go somewhere that someone at the hospital had family.

It's nice to see that next season we'll have a new freak on Wisteria Lane. I did like how the show started with a death and ended with a death. Looks like season two will start will a funeral much like season one did. Maybe we'll see the kids at the funeral because seriously...

WHERE ARE THE KIDS!!! Andrew goes into this whole devil plan thing and never shows up again. We don't even see them at their father's bedside. It is sad that Rex died thinking Brie tried to kill him. I do feel like the wrong drug thing should have been figured out, like that should just be in the blood stream.

Looks like we have some good things going on for season two. I thought the cliff hangers were okay nothing that will keep me up over the summer. My biggest issue is how long will it take Paul to walk back from the coal/ice/marble mine that was last used in Superman.

Poor George!

Finally George gets some action on Grey's Anatomy, and not only does he get "The Syph" but he finds out that Alex was sleeping with the girl too. Nice to see him step up with a backbone and try and beat the crap out of Alex. Now he'll get a little 'spect.

I'm hoping over the summer they rework the opening segment of the show and make it more to the theme of what the show is all about.

Yikers on the ovary and the cheating wife. Not sure if Burke should have spilled the beans as I'm not sure it was really his place. All I know is that if this show has taught me anything it's check into the hospital for a little something and end up with a whole list of other problems.

I enjoyed the Izzie/Christina relationship.

Thought the episode was not one of the best of the season and the last five minutes wasn't all it was hyped up to be (it rarely is). I knew a woman out of Shep's past was coming and I was pretty sure it was going to be his wife. Gives us a starting point for season two.

Channel Surfing

Checked out an episode of Cold Case on CBS and Game Show Moments Gone Bananas on VH1. The first show freaked me out a little and made me want to check my closets in the house and the second made me laugh out loud. If you are channel surfing and come across the latter definitely hang out for a while as some of the game shows in England are quite funny.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

"Lost" with Questions....

  1. What is the French woman's motive?
  2. Why do the people on the island trust the French woman?
  3. What happened to Jack's wife?
  4. What is Kate really running away from?
  5. Why did Kate's mom go beserk?
  6. Why is Jin still wearing that handcuff?
  7. Will I ever be able to understand the French woman?

Of course I still have all the questions that everyone has. Hopefully there will be some closure on Wednesday. Shout out to Sawyer for telling Jack about his dad.

Keep reading for commentary on ER and this past Thursday night's television.

Saying Goodbye

It is not so much that I was sad to see John Carter leave on ER, but I really can't believe that I have been watching the show for 11 years. It was nice to see the old pictures of Anthony Edwards, George Clooney and Eric LaSalle. I guess it is a little crazy to think GEORGE CLOONEY was on this show.

The one thing I do like about ER is that it's self contained, pretty much. I enjoyed the season finale and then I'm done for the summer. No real cliff hangers, nothing that will keep me up at night. Yes, there are some continuing story lines but nothing of significant importance.

Maybe now that Carter has left it is time for me to move on a well. I guess we'll have to see what happens in the fall.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

No Brainer...

I thought I would watch some other television and then catch up on The Apprentice and not have to deal with all the fluff. Had I known there would be a 20 minute recap I would have waited. All I have to say is thank god this show was only an hour.

It was clear that Trump knew who he was going to pick and was fighting for things to say, but really had nothing. We had no cast interviews, no real infighting between the two finalists and Trump trying to cause controversy that wasn't even there.

My favorite part of the whole night was when Tana went crazy and showed she was much better suited for Jerry Springer than she was for The Apprentice.

Spoiler Alert

One final note on this very lackluster season. I was a little disappointed that Tana didn't win and get to work on the Miss Universe Pageant. I thought for sure if she had won we would have heard and seen more of the Bedazzler.

Plus I'm not sure whose voice is more annoying. Kendra's or Mikalah's from American Idol. I'm looking forward to a break from this show.

The Gang's All Here!

It seemed that everyone was back on The O.C. I am a little sad that this was the final episode and now we'll have to wait 3+ months to see what happens to "the new-old Ryan Atwood."

Hopefully the Trey/Skank story is done with and maybe now Melissa will be driven back to drinking and can join Kirsten in rehab.

I wonder if Julie's daughter will ever return during a real season other than summer. I am also wondering if Julie got money from Caleb and if Jimmy will be a part of next season.

I agree with some of the critics that this season went through a bit of a sophomore slump so hopefully with the dumping of Caleb, the return of Jimmy and hopefully the removal of Trey/Skank and Zach we can return to the essence of The O.C. and get back to basics. Although I'm sure we'll be seeing some Theresa drama next season.

Best line of the night was by Jimmy to Haley in reference to if she knew about the North Shore. Note reference to the failed show that she was one..which by the way I watched.

Until September...say it with me...california, california, california (small tear near the eye!)

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

To Be Expected...

I have to say I'm not surprised on the American Idol showdown. I just wanted to say that for the people that gave up on the show early on to come back next Tuesday night. Yes, there will be a lot of fluff. Yes, Paula will be dancing around singing and clapping like a seal. And Yes, we'll have to endure a lot of "Dawg's", but singing wise it could/should be fun. Although the ending should be clear as "B-Ice."

Spoiler Alert

In case you didn't figure it out by now it's Carrie and Bo in the final two. Vonzell showed up big, but I think she was too awkward to make it all the way. However this is the first time that the entire final three was really strong. Plus not since Clay and Reuben will we have seen such a good showdown.

I'm "Lost"

I'm not so much Lost as I am behind. Stay tuned in a few days at most for my recap on both Lost and Alias. Sorry for the lagging.

A Movie that Shouldn't be Missed

So instead of catching up on TV like I should have been I decided to head out to the movies and check out Crash. This was an EXCELLENT movie and should be seen by all. The writing, character development, themes and overall flow of the movie was done incredibly well. It seems that everyone is in this movie, all the characters intertwine and all of them are endearing in some way. The movie definitely has you intrigued, on the edge of your seat and the choices the writer makes are not always the one you think are going to happen.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Nouveau Star

So there I am in Paris, getting ready for bed. I look at the TV and France's version of American Idol is on. It was their final showdown between a hottie, aryan looking kid and a girl who could be his sister. Unlike our idol, not only did the judges get involved and on the stage the final two contestants did songs together and they looked like they were about to make out. Both seemed pretty good (but what do I know about French pop music), and the girl came in first.

Now onto what matters...the REAL American Idol.

This really has turned into a competition, I mean not so much as to who will win but which of the girls will make it to the top two. Throughout the competition I think that you really look from performance to performance and for the most part look at each separately. With the exception that if someone has a really bad week, but overall they have been good you let that week go. Now I think you look at overall performance. With the exception of a slow start I think Vonzell has been the most consistent.

However, I predict Carrie and Bo. Carrie just looks more comfortable on stage and Vonzell seems awkward and nervous. Bo was just amazing tonight although I agreed with Simon on the last song. He blew Clay away on the Elton John song, and was dramatic on the second. I could just imagine the arena dead quiet. It almost made me think I would actually by his album. I do think it would have been funny if the judges made Bo sing "I feel like a woman."

Paula was back to her old ways of clapping and standing. I thought it was funny how she made the comment how the judges have gotten to know the contestants. I thought that was the whole thing, that the judges are supposed to stay away and have no contact.

I think I started off being really disappointed in this season, but I have to say I'm caught up in it now and looking forward to fast forward through most of the finale since it will be mostly fluff.

One last note on tonight's episode. Is Randy allowed to say to Carrie, "Girl, you can blow!"

Famous Last Words

The famous last words of any reality show are, "I know I won!" These words were uttered by Tana this past week on The Apprentice, by Rob and Amber on The Race and so many others. It is the editors/producers way of just mocking you.

Never have I seen a task on TV go so horribly wrong and make a person look so incredibly bad. Tana just looked like a dumb hick who had no sense of urgency and no control of the situation. If we are counting on HER for NYC2012, I say book your tickets for Paris.

She was so caught up in "her employees" and trash talking people that she just didn't have a clue.

All I can say I'm looking forward to now is will Kelly show up next Thursday to pass the torch.

So Many Hours

There is still so much TV for me to catch up on and so little time before all the finales. What to do, what to do....

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"Out of Office"

I'm sorry to say that I am leaving tomorrow night (Wednesday) for a vacation until Monday night. I'm going abroad so there will be no watching television. I know this is hard to believe given the end of the season, but rest assured my TiVo is set and I have instructed the person staying in my apartment not to touch the television for fear they will screw something up.

Therefore, I will probably not be posting my thoughts until Tuesday the 17th (maybe Monday), but probably not. I know it will be old news by then, but hopefully I will bring new insight to the table.

Make sure to read my post below on Tuesday's Amazing Race and American Idol.

Edelson Out!

I Think it Was Fixed!

Despite being happy for the winners on The Amazing Race, I think it was fixed and it kind of pisses me off. More on that later.

You know it was going to be a crazy race when Romber starts off by saying, it's us the survivors, the Beauty Queen and the Black People in Jamaica. He came off way to cocky and to sure of himself. In TV land that only means one thing, you are most likely not going to win. That's editing folks.

This was the first time I saw tension between Rob and Amber and saw Amber get a little irritated at Rob. Especially with her comment, "I'll make you happy and then you make me happy after the race." This coupled with her focusing on marriage and family at the end of the race makes me believe they had some sort of bargain.

Kelly bringing up the status of their relationship while on the race was ludicrous. This was not the time to define yourselves. It is funny to watch how she proclaims her love and he is stand-offish and snears. I was surprised that Ron's military-ness only came up once. Of course it was in context of not wanting to be controlled by her. When they were cutting the onions I was expecting some sort of mess hall comment. There was some vindication that Kelly was the one that got the golf ball on the green. I was happy she finally did something right.

Now I love the Amazing Race, but it does get on my nerves how one team can be ahead and then something doesn't open until 7:30am. I realize they have to do it, but it gets on my nerves from time to time none the less. I also think it's funny that these taxi's wait around forever. A few minutes I can understand, but on the boat task and the limbo task it seemed they waited forever.

Now, let's talk about the winners.

Spoiler Alert

Now I'm very happy that Uchenna and Joyce won. I was rooting for Romber, but I think Uchenna and Joyce played well, played hard and they were a good exciting team. I mean she shaved her head for pete's sake. Of course I got wrapped in their wanting to have a child, their teamwork and the strengthening of their relationship...HOWEVER.

NEVER in my life has a plane come back to get two passengers once it has left the gate. More than that NEVER in my life has a plane come back to get two passengers WHO WERE ON STANDBY!! I strongly believe that this was fixed to make the race more exciting. Obviously Rob and Amber would have had about an hour and 40 minute lead if they were the only ones on the flight and they would have won. Clearly they would have gotten lost still with the cigar but not that much time worthy. Yes, I think J&U winning is nice, but it all leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and got me a tad riled up. If I was Rob I would be super angry when I watched the show.

Also it was clear that U&J were going to win and that the time it took them to get the money at the end was just editing. Although I would have liked them to stiff the guy and run to the finish line and then come back and worry about it. It would have been better if the taxi guy ran after them. I mean this was for a million dollars, screw the taxi dude. I guess Uchenna is a better person than I.

Well, sadly my TiVo says no more Amazing Race's are scheduled. Looking forward to the next edition...families.

What a Letdown!

It was hard to focus on American Idol since I watched Amazing Race first. I was all excited and riled up and so watching the foursome sing country and then the Philadelphia songs was somewhat boring.

Overall I didn't like the theme. I thought Carrie was eh, but that is also because I'm sick of hearing her sing country. Bo had some good song choices (except I can watch The Apprentice to hear that awful Money song) and the fact that Vonzell has her emotional breakdown will most likely save her from elimination. I definitely think something must have happened in her day for her to be so upset.

When Anthony first started singing both his songs I kind of tuned out b/c I am somewhat over him. However, I was drawn back in and kind of liked what he did. I have never heard to people sing the same song and thought he did a much better job than Carrie.

Thought Paula should have stayed away from the word "love" when referring to the contestants, less it be misconstrued as an invitation to her house.

Think Bo has this one locked up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Balls to the Wall...

The most commonly used phrase in Real World/Road Rules Challenge. I guess that is what you get when you watch a show full of drunk, raging, forever unemployed hacks.

Where's Edna and Irv?

While watching Everwood tonight I realized we haven't seen them in a while. I feel like we may not see them for the rest of the season either. Does he even do voiceover's for the show anymore?

I felt like the Dr. rushed Rose through her cancer explanation and treatment. I felt like she needed more information to make the proper decisions. I also believe that Andy could have been more supportive of Dr. Abbott and told him to go home and be with his family and that he would take over his patients.

Poor Topher. Amy did put it really well on how things can take over your life and your thoughts sometimes of equal proportion, but the issues themselves are something very little and something huge. It does give you perspective.


Brights doesn't move out to be around the house and help out
Amy doesn't go to Princeton, or goes for one semester and comes back but I think the former
Ephraim leaves
Delia gives up baseball hats forever
Nina and Andy's feelings come to a head in the season finale.
Jake leaves sometime next season early on.

Monday, May 09, 2005

What's Her Real Motive?

Mrs. Huber's sister on Desperate Housewives' motive cannot simply be to give the boy a good home. What was interesting though is that she said to Paul how he was once a noble guy. Which got me thinking. He and Mary Alice (Angela--what's his real name is it Paul?) stole Zana to potentially give him a better home, they couldn't have a child etc, so maybe once he really wanted to be a dad and he was a good dad. Although stealing, killing people, etc not on the checklist for Parents Magazine, but the intentions were there. So maybe he is a true good guy trying to protect his family and will go to any lengths...but then he leaves his son behind. So what are her motives?

I'm also not sure on what the detectives motives were for telling Paul. That job is over, he got paid move on to the next one. Unless he's playing both for money or he is concerned about getting implicated in something somehow, but I am not sure what. I would have like to see what Susan would have done with all of the "real" information.

Carlos is still not in jail and it didn't look like he was going next week either. I do have to say that so far I'm surprised that it seems without a doubt "Mrs. Solice" is keeping the baby. There wasn't even a thought/discussion it was almost like a given.

Where are Brie and Rex's kids? I get drawn in slightly by little Satan, but then they all but disappear.

It is humorous how every once in a while they do show how "desperate" women can be. Nothing I like better than having my man propose to me drunk with his dead wife's ring.

Loved Tom in the leopard speedo. It must have been funny off-set when he read that he had to do it on the show. I feel like he and Felicity had a "we're even" type joke with her in the maid's uniform and him in the speedo. It is a little sad that Lynette does look worse and worse each week.

Lastly, I feel like it should be a lot easier to figure out that it's Rex's medicine that is causing the problem. Like it wouldn't show up in his blood or something. That story is going on too long, I'd rather start dealing with the ramifications.

I Told You To Pay Attention

Last week after Grey's Anatomy I said to pay attention on the pregnancy. Someone asked more about it, but I didn't want to give it away fully. That could be an interesting storyline. Especially when it gets out she's sleeping with HER boss too.

I have to say that my original instincts on the insecure staple girl were incorrect. First I thought she got a bad tattoo/piercing in Mexico and it got infected (ironically what happened to the other dude). Than I thought botched abortion. Didn't see the staple thing coming, although should have picked it up when she said she had hardly lost any weight.

The parent thing was very irritating. When can a Dr. stand in and say enough, leave your child alone you are a negative influence and are screwing her up. In essence that is what Meredith did, but I thought it should have come a little sooner.

Ahhh the days when you could hear your roommates having sex. I'm glad that the whole Shep/Meredith thing is getting out and they are progressing it a little bit. I hear some wrenches get thrown in soon in the way of another woman.

So it seems that the cast from Once and Again are making it into our television hospitals. First Shane West on ER and now Sela Ward's sister plays the girlfriend of the key swallower.

I am happy that George said something about the whole drunk doctor thing I just think he handled it wrong. He should have taken Shep aside (I feel like I can call him Shep, we're tight) and said something. Even if he didn't and did what he did Shep should have looked into the situation a little. It was nice to see George "be a man."

The handshake between George and Shep (okay, I'm getting bored with that nickname) was such a guy machismo thing. The one guy holds the hand a little longer you can imagine each trying to show off their strength while he gets across his message.

Btw it seems that "he's looking bad" is a euphemism for lets use the paddles this dude's gonna die.

Tried to see The Interpreter this weekend, sold out. Sad for my mom.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Nick My Savior

Tonight I met the TiVo God. My new Series 2 140-TiVo arrived the other day and has been waiting to be set up. I didn't want to mess with my shows so I waited until Friday when nothing is really on. (Okay Drumline was on, but I've already seen it on cable twice.)

I called TiVo to activate it and deactivate my old one (I got the new one for free for being a TiVo rewards member) and they totally screwed it up. After three more phone calls, three disconnections, I found Nick.

Nick was an independent thinker. He got others involved when necessary. He worked to resolve my frustrations and rectify the situation.

Then the unthinkable happened...I got disconnected AGAIN!!!!!!

This could not be happening I thought. It is after 11:00pm, I'm sick, I'm tired and I want TiVo to be working! And, we were so close to completion.

In a psycho craze I yelled out, called TiVo back...

Call-Waiting Beeped...


Nick called ME BACK!!!! I couldn't believe it. Nick saved the day! In my entire life this has never ever happened and I have been disconnected many a time. He apologized and we finally brought my issue to completion.

So now, as I wait for TiVo to download and set my old one up in the bedroom my faith in humanity or in TiVo at least has been restored...for now!

(We'll see what happens on my credit card statement and how many times I was charged.)

Oh, and by the way, some people didn't think I wrote about The O.C. I did. I separated out the entries for Thursday night based on my late watching of the The Apprentice. So keep reading and scroll down to read all about Thursday TV.

Don't Want to Mess with the Theme!

That's how you knew who the final two would be on The Apprentice. Not only is Craig a dud, there is not much more to him than hair picks, slow talkin' and a condescending attitude. He had no chance. There was no way The Donald was going to let two "street smarts" go head to head b/c it would ruin the "essence" of the show. Therefore Craig v. Tana was a no brainer.

For the record it's so annoying to watch people shout out to "the lord" on television. First with Julie from RW/RR Challenge, now you have Tana and Craig praying. Just edit that shit out.

So we find ourselves AGAIN on the 90th floor looking at one of Trumps apartments thinking that could be me one day. He needs some new stuff, it's getting old.

Tana has some crazy hair this episode on all her close-ups. Speaking of crazy. This season was such a dud that I had forgotten about all those people that they showed in the book. I was like oh yeah, all these people brought nuttin.'

Which brings me to my theory from last season. The show should not bring back the season duds or any cast members for that matter. They should be assigned three people from the Trump organization. Therefore the contestants get to really work with real people who are vested b/c this is their job. Additionally these people know what it is like to work for Trump and could do an honest assessment of how the contestants are doing. Erica said it best (I think it was her) that they have no real incentive to do well, and often times they don't and they fuck around. Given all this Tana still shouldn't complain to Carolyn it's unprofessional. She is trying to get a job, they are not friends!

It's annoying that the final task is always running an event. Also it's such bullshit. As someone who has run corporate events none of this is being done in 24 hours it takes like three months just for companies to commit for pete's sake. So it's clear that they really have only one or two responsibilities for the event. I would love to see their assignment books one of these days.

I always think one task seems better than the other and this time it is the Chelsea Piers task. However I don't think this means Tana wins I just think it's the better task. By the way if I was Tana and my team was parking I would just say, put it in a fucking lot. Clearly they have parking garages in NY, pay the $$. Stop fucking around how stupid are you.

I think Kendra has an edge on winning this thing, solely b/c I think Trump (who may not admit this) is going to be concerned about her being uprooted from Iowa away from her family and whether or not she'll be really committed.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Still More TV...

I had a late start tonight because my husband was playing soccer so I was forced to watch Joey and Will & Grace. I then had back to back episodes of The O.C. and still have The Apprentice to watch.

Let's get it started....


Haven't watched this show in forever. Figured it was a summer, place of reruns, show. So the Social Worker from ER is now on Joey. I guess when you dump Carter that is your fate. It still amazes me how much Drea di Matteo and Portio de Rossi look alike. Especially when they have their hair back. Clearly there is not much to talk about show wise, it's not that good.

The O.C.

Even though it is two separate episodes simply put together I'm going to treat it as one.

I'm not saying AT ALL the Marissa deserved to be attacked by Trey, however I would like to point out how Trey got the signals that she was into him. She shows up at his apartment (what happened to calling to make plans), and then she brings over the Notebook. This is a date movie. A guy is basically only going to sit through this movie if he thinks he's getting some action at the end. After she did get attacked, and wanting to hide it I was wondering why she just didn't wear another shirt. I do think she should come clean to Ryan though, the bro's can fight, Trey leaves the show by the end of the season and we can start anew in the fall. (hopefully by that time Kirsten will have kicked her alcoholic habit.) This just solidifies that Trey is an "evil-doer," and I can be done with him.

I hope the Trey/Coke Skank storyline comes to a close soon because it's getting boring.

On to the Seth/Summer/Zach love triangle. First of all I knew the lactose intolerant comment was coming up, because Seth just plays the perfect old Jew. I was glad to see Zach own up to the ass-waterpolo player that he is, and I did a little cheer when Seth told him to get a haircut and compared him to a Cassidy.

The spring break theme was a tad ridiculous (although we got to see Ryan in a wife beater again) and the "MTV" VJ's were outrageously stupid. Seems like Summer will be doing some major "Million Dollar Baby" workin' out, because I'm sure she has a lot of aggression after seeing the two of her boyz rolling around the comic book store floor. I also hope that the graphic novel storyline comes to an end by the end of the season b/c that is getting boring as well. Although not sure when it will end since George Lucas will be making a guest appearance.

It was nice to see The Nana again, but sad and predictable about her beau. Just like it was predictable that Kirsten was going to get into an accident on her drive home. Not the first time an alcoholic O.Cer has gotten into a car accident. Also not the first or last time there was a "drop" in the car that led to an accident. (Note that's how Dawson's dad died--it's rerun in the mornings on TBS!)

Seeing that Caleb is on a new show in the next television season, I'm thinking something happens with Julie's plan to get something out of the marriage.

This is what I would like to see happen:

Caleb dies
Trey leaves town after everyone finds out about his attacking Marissa
Julie goes to jail for a while (see what it's like to be Ryan and Trey - Irony)
Tate Donovan comes back, and the return of the younger sister
Use the younger sister for a storyline with Seth and/or Ryan
Bring back the red head for Caleb's funeral
Marissa leaves for the summer ala Cohen of summer 2004 and ironically also goes to Portland to see Luke.
Summer starts dating George Lucas (not really on this one, but it would be funny and crushing for Seth.)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

So Much Television

What a lineup for Wednesday Night. We saw the return of Lost, finally, Alias, American Idol Results Show, and PrimeTime Live: The Fallen Idol.

Was very happy to have Lost back. Only a few more episodes left until the two part season finale. I am contemplating waiting the week and watching all three hours together. Not sure if I can hold out though. I did enjoy a little more about Sayid's backstory and now we know why he was on the flight. What a poor choice to wait a day to bury his friend. Ironic though how he cost his friend his life and the friend did the same to him.

One note on Claire's baby. Maybe it's crying all day because it's constantly in the blaring sun. And, maybe Charlie should not be in charge of babysitting when he is calling the baby turnip-head.

My one question of the episode was how did Shannon know where the gun case was? I thought it was hidden.

I Want a Code Name...

Like Sydney on Alias. You would think that of all people Jack would have better locks on his doors. One that couldn't be picked with a simple bobby-pin. It's bizarre that she has never been to his house. I'm just glad that Jack and Sydney didn't make out.

Clearly Jack makes it based on seeing him up and around in the next episode. I'm still confused by the evil-sister thing. Like is she the woman that raised Nadia, how did Nadia get there, how did the sister get there and then get Nadia? Maybe that Sofia woman is dead and she took over her life. A lot of things are not making sense to me.


I know I'm giving away the results, but I'm just too excited. No more "Scott the Body." This time it was definitely his cockiness that got the best of him. Did you see him "raise the roof" when he thought he was safe on the couch?! Even though last night's performance was better than Anthony he still had to go. It was nice to see him booted on his ass.

Recap of episode:

Bo looked ridiculous with the sunglasses
FF through recap
Give Bridge Over Troubled Water a chance...um, never mind FF
Tour Plug
FF through Anthony/Scott singing. Saw them last night DEFINITELY don't need to see them again.

Jumped for joy at the results. Scott says something on his recap about wanting people to like him, it makes me chuckle out loud. Anthony, enjoy your birthday present, because next week it's your turn!

Fallen Idol

Now this show did not need to be an hour. It was repetitive, and Corey Clark just showed how much he sucked as a singer. I definitely believe the affair was true and excited to see the fallout, but it is clear this is all a publicity stunt which will most likely back fire.

I predict Paula will deny, but then come clean and blame it all on her pain medication.

I wonder who will replace her next year!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

What, No Yakety Yak...

clearly a small disappointment on American Idol. Although seeing J.P. from last season was a small consolation. How not into the show did he seem!

Tonight was a double dose of Karaoke. I was put at a small disadvantage because by living in NYC I rarely listen to the radio (no car) and therefore didn't know most of the billboard tops from this week. Be that as it may I agree that Bo and Carrie were the standouts of the evening.

I must say that Carrie looks better and better each week and Bo was doing a little tribute to Constantine by looking deep into the camera and trying to be all sultry.

I thought Vonzell's vocals were good but I think her first performance was a little to musical theatre for my liking.

I have to admit that "Scott the Body" did well on that first song. Although what is with the thug look. If he won, which I almost dare not say, he would be the worst marketing nightmare EVER. I could do without the hand gesturing. (actually I could do without him, but I digress....) My favorite part of his performance tonight was before his second song he paid tribute to the fact that he has a fashion coordinator. This person should be fired.

Now on to Anthony or AnTony as Simon likes to say. It's not a good sign when the camera is paying more attention to the orchestra than to you. He wasn't goofy at all he seemed devoid of energy minus a few leg pumps and a snap or two. It seems he didn't need to see for his second song since his contacts expired and he didn't have glasses on. I was hoping he would trip off the stage.

How Long do They Spin For?

That is my question on The Amazing Race. Don't those spinner people get tired/dizzy/fall over? (I have no idea how to spell the correct term. I could look it up, but why!) And, why are they at the train station? That also made no sense to me. Although it did say they were a religious group so maybe they are like the Hari Christnas (also don't know how to spell that) at the airport, but instead of giving out carnations they spin.

When we were shown Ron and Kelly finishing last week I never noticed how much she looked like a gnome with that hat on. My favorite line, which encapsulates all that is their relationship, "I've seen all I want to see from her." I can't believe Kelly borrowed the lipstick from the ticket woman, but I also can't believe how much Ron brings up the military. It's as if he has nothing else to talk about and is constantly throwing his experience in her face.

I have to say I'm not sure I would have taken the risk with the connecting flights. I would have needed more information, how many people on the waiting list, what time the next flight was etc. I'm sure they had some of that information to make the decision. I agree that it is risk time, but I may have played it safe. Although if I took the risk there is always the possibility of bribing someone once you get to the gate to give up their seats. And with the luck that Romber has I'm sure they could have convinced someone to do it.

LOVED Stuart. First of all does this guy not have a job, or did he call in late. He definitely saved the day and hooked Romber up. I'm also amazed by Stuart's knowledge. If someone came to NYC and started asking me questions I would have no idea.

I couldn't believe that the "Token Old People" saw the flag from the Ferris Wheel. I figured they couldn't see that far and I was even more surprised that they decided to do the "Brawn." You have to give them credit they really got pushed to their limits. Although they never really run and are always strolling.

Spoiler Alert

Given how hard they worked and all they had been through I was sad to see Gretchen and Meredith go. I will miss them slightly although it was clear they could never win. I mean they were such a non threat that Uchenna and Joyce didn't even yield them. Although not sure that was a good move I mean this is a race for $1 Million dollars, There is no time to be nice.

I was hoping that Gretchen and Meredith were going to ask for their stuff back.

What I was really hoping for that in all the frenzy of the race someone (ie Ron and Kelly) would get hit by a car given the cars coming from the other direction, sadly no such luck.

Set Your TiVo's

Just a quick update on those who were sorely disappointed by last week's Presidential Primetime News Conference and the usurping of The O.C.

It seems that this week Fox will be running back to back ALL NEW episodes from 8-9 and 9-10 to make up for the missed show.

Therefore, make sure that you not only get to watch the two new episodes, but that you are also taping The Apprentice as well. I mean if you have been watching it this long you might as well stick through until the end.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Stop Going Dress Shopping!

Everytime Amy goes dress shopping on Everwood it never works out for her. Whether it's the "big dance" or just a date, she is always let down and there are always tears. Will she never learn? And did she really think that when Ephraim gave her that necklace that they would last forever?! Does she realize that she is only 17 years old!

It's clear that Andy loves Nina and it's clear that Andy won't leave the show and the love triangle can only go on so long. Therefore, the only question that remains is will Jake be resentful that he gave up the "city life" for Nina when it all goes to shit? He admitted himself that the only reason he has stayed in Everwood is because of her.

Not that I want Rose to get sick (as if she is a real person), although it will be a convenient excuse for Amy not to go away and remain in Everwood, but I am happy she is not preggers. That would be too many show enders for my TV season. One show, okay, two maybe, but three that just becomes ridiculous and a shout for some original television content.

Now for Jake's brother. Not sure who the actor was, but he definitely made me feel swarmy. His smile was a bit too much for me and to quote Oliver on Dawson's Creek, he looked like a "city slicker." (reference Dawson's first meeting with Oliver at film festival where he won for the A.I. Brooks Story.) He looked a little Tom Cruise and a little Tom Cruise's cousin from Lost (Ethan).

Lastly, I would like to address the coffee consumption of teenagers. Now when I was in high school I did drink coffee, but I don't remember waking up and helping myself to my parents pot of coffee. It seems nowadays that's all we see.

Real Life Donkey Kong Without The Barrels

This was my thought on tonight's challenge on Real World/Road Rules Challenge. What's amazing to me is that "the Miz" always appears to be so built and strong, but comes across weak on so many of these challenges. It's as if he has too much muscle and they just collapse. Although I bet from now on he'll be wearing a cup. That slam on the steel bars must have hurt.

Not sure Julie should be cursing at God to help her just as I'm not sure if Jaime said more in this one episode than she did her entire season in France.

I loved how Tonya went up against the Witches of Eastwick, and wants the sympathy. This is the same woman who threw Beth's clothes in the pool not but four or so episodes ago.

As always the shameless promotion of the T-Mobile sidekick warranted a chuckle and the interaction between Dan and Tina was worth a pause or two on TiVo just for the facial expressions alone.

I admit the show is stupid and there is not enough action this season, but I get sucked in none the less.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Still Not in Jail....

So not only is Carlos not in jail on Desperate Housewives, but he still has three more days. Was there not an episode many many weeks ago that said he was leaving the next day? Clearly TV time and real time are truly not the same thing.

We learned that Zana (Zach/Dana or short for "inzana") is not only a biproduct of a crazy mother who was on drugs, but that his "father" needs a course or two on effective parenting. Just a hint, if you want to love/motivate your child don't tell them they are not special.

I was glad to see Lynette get a slightly bigger role and a bit of a storyline that could have some continuity. It was also nice to see that Gabrielle finally got preggers as I knew this storyline was coming for a while. It will be interesting to see what she does since this show is so mainstream---(ie will the "red states" go for an abortion storyline.)

Not clear on how Paul thought that leaving overnight wouldn't raise any suspicion or how Mike found Susan in that coffee shop.

A little ridiculous that Brie thinks it is okay to "sneak" around with your friends. Um, if you need to sneak clearly you have something to hide.

I See Another Pregnancy

If you caught the previews of next week's Grey's Anatomy you will see who I mean. I have to say I'm a fan of Dr. Bailey and a big fan of George who reminds me of Marshall Flinkman on Alias. The lovable doofs of ABC. You find yourself always rooting for them, but laughing at them at the same time.

I feel like if you are a first year intern and your pager doesn't go off after like 10 minutes there is something wrong. More importantly I feel like there is something unnatural about being awake during brain surgery.

Celebrity Sighting in NYC

Tonight on my way to break the Passover with some required Pizza, I passed Ethan Zohn of Survivor; Africa fame.

Off to watch 11:30pm episode of Everybody Loves Raymond.